Tiles are the gray boxes on the left side of the screen.
When a user first views Lookout, a few tiles are automatically displayed. Tiles always display an unviewed count on the right side. This represents the number of new items since the user has last clicked on the tile to display it as a column.
If a column is already open for a tile, that count is also shown in the top of the column. Clicking either the tile or the number at the top of the column resets the count to zero.
Based on usability testing, the word “tile” was replaced with “stream” in later releases to make it more user friendly. The notes and screenshots here still use the original “tile” terminology.
The new user tile shows how far the user has progressed in completing the profile steps (This information is carried over from the Getting Started web part. New users have 0% completion.) The recommendations tile includes recommended colleagues and communities.
The “notifications” tile shows the count of unviewed notifications. The “people”, “subjects” and “communities” tiles are example tiles that are created automatically based on Aurea Social analyzing the user’s prior behavior. These tiles have the names of people, hashtags or communities pre-set as examples for users.
Existing tiles can be moved, edited, or deleted by clicking on the right side.
Click to edit or delete tiles
Move lets the user drag the tile up or down in order. Edit gives the user access to change the name of the tile, the icon it displays, and the criteria for the contents that the tile’s column displays.
Click delete to remove the tile permanently (but the user can re-create any tile if needed).
Click to bring up a dialog to choose a type of tile.
The first step is to choose a type of tile:
add a title
When one of these choices is clicked, the new tile of the type clicked shows in the left column. The user then sees a configuration screen that is specific to that type of tile (if applicable).
After saving their choices on the edit screen, the tile’s column is automatically displayed to the right of the my stream column.
A person can only have one "new user" and one "recommendations” tile visible, so these choices are unavailable if the user already has those tiles visible.
Regardless of the type of tile, the configuration screen for a tile always begins with options to edit the name and the icon displayed on the tile.
Clicking on the display of the current icon selection expands a chart containing a variety of other icon options. Click an icon from the chart to change the tile’s icon. This icon also displays on the Lookout360 bar (if deployed).
Clicking the “notifications” tile ()adds a new tile and allows these configuration choices.
Configure your tile
In the example above, the tile is going to just display notifications from private messages. Note that in this case, the user has chosen not to receive any badge notifications, so the option to add that to the tile is suppressed.
Also, the top choices in the communities section allow the user to have tiles show notifications from key communities.
The user chooses which communities she wants to get notifications from in the settings screen. Selecting these checkboxes causes those notifications to show in the tile.
Click on the stream view option on the add tile screen lets the user choose one of the standard activity stream filters.
In this example, a tile is being added to keep track of questions in the activity stream.
Clicking the people option gives you an edit screen where you can search by name and drag and drop people into your list. The list may include a few people automatically selected based on Aurea Social behavior analysis.
Click the subjects option to allow the user to enter in tags.
Any microblogs or questions that contain that hashtag is displayed by this tile. (Similar to people tiles above and community tiles below, Aurea Social may pre-select a few tags based on analysis of behavior. If you don’t want any of these, just delete them from the box.)
Adding a new “communities” tile lets the user search for communities and spheres.
In this example, several communities and spheres that cover product teams and products are being combined into a single view.
Click the Subscription option (bottom option in above picture, partly scrolled out of view) to add a tile for News Stream content.
For more information on setting up this type of tile, see the Aurea Social News Stream section of this guide.