Overview of SharePoint 2016 with Aurea Social Migration


  • SharePoint 2013 with Service Pack 1. Direct migrations from SharePoint 2010 are not supported, the migration must stop off, however briefly, at SharePoint 2013.
  • Aurea Social v5.3 or higher is installed.
  • The version of Aurea Social must be the same in both SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016 (for example, v5.3.89 installed to both SP2013 and SP2016).
  • Consult Microsoft’s best practices for the migration to 2016.

SharePoint 2016 and Aurea Social Feature Support

All of the product features applicable to SharePoint 2013 are supported for SharePoint 2016. A suite navigation provider has been added to use the same SP2013 suite links configuration.


Microsoft has deprecated the “tags and notes” feature in SP2016. Based on testing, we haven’t seen any issues with Aurea Social features which rely on the “tags and notes” infrastructure, but we don’t recommend that you use these features in SP2016 based on Microsoft’s direction.

SharePoint 2016 Min Role and Aurea Social

SharePoint 2016 has some changes to the roles servers perform. If a farm level service is enabled (i.e. “NewsGator Social Platform Services (Proxy Components, required on all farms)”), then each of the supporting server-level services are required to run on each of servers in the compatible role.

This means that when Aurea Social is installed, the services are required to run on all “Application” or “SingleServerFarm” servers in order to be compliant with the MinRole. The “NewsGator Social Platform Service” is not going to run on “WebFrontEnd”, “DistributedCache”, or “Search” servers.

When a required service is disabled, there is a link to Fix or Start the service. You no longer have the option to “stop” services that are required.

Aurea Social recommends using at least SharePoint 2016 feature pack 2 as it contains needed updates to MinRole.

SharePoint 2016 and Microsoft Identity Manager

SharePoint 2016 no longer relies on Forefront Identity Manager to sync user profile information. Instead, it uses the stand alone Microsoft Identity Manager. Although this does not impact Aurea Social functionality, it is important to note the change.

Migration process overview

This migration process nearly mirrors that of SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013.

  1. Create the new SharePoint 2016 farm, matching the configuration of the SharePoint 2013 farm where appropriate.
  2. Create web applications. The web application content databases will be replaced later with the databases migrated from SharePoint 2013.
  3. Create Sharepoint service applications. The service application databases will be replaced later with the databases migrated from SharePoint 2013.
  4. Install third-party customizations, solutions, or features.
  5. Install Aurea Social v5.3 or higher, matching the version of Aurea Social installed to SharePoint 2013.
  6. Copy the databases to the new SharePoint 2016 SQL instance.
  7. Upgrade the Sharepoint service applications to SharePoint 2016.
  8. Upgrade Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) to Microsoft Identity Manager(MIM) with Service Pack 1.
  9. Migrate the Aurea Social service application databases to SharePoint 2016, using the database attach method. The following reference scripts from the 2010 > 2013 migration that are still valid.
    • Update farm id using the UpdateFarmID.sql script. You must plug in 2013 and 2016 farm ids.
    • Update user profile if urls have changed using UpdateUserProfileUrls.sql.
    • Update all other urls if they have changed, using execUpdateUrls.sql (more detail can be found in our environment cloning documentation).
  10. Upgrade web application content database(s) to SharePoint 2016.
  11. Verify that the content database(s) upgraded successfully.
  12. Upgrade site collections and My Sites.
  13. Verify and troubleshoot the migration.