Environment checklist
Validating the SharePoint environment prior to upgrading or installing Social is useful to ensure that the install or upgrade goes smoothly.
The farm architecture can help inform decisions as to Social upgrade or installs and provide a base for recommendations on improvements.
- Web applications: Go to Central Administration > Application Management > Manage Web Applications
- Is Social deployed to all web applications? The more web applications deployed, the longer the upgrade or install takes.
- Number of App and Web Servers in the farm: Go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage Servers in this Farm.
- The number of servers in the farm can help can inform install/upgrade times – the more servers the more time an upgrade will take.
- Number of users is the User Profile Service: Go to Central Administration > Application Management > Manage Service Applications and click into the User Profile Service Application – the number of profiles will be on the right side. Many profiles with personal sites can increase upgrade times.
- Server Hardware: RAM and CPU should be within Microsoft guidelines plus –
- App with UPA +25%
Number of WFEs
% sizing increase suggested to run Social Sites
- Review Microsoft boundaries and limits.
Navigate to SharePoint Central Administration > Upgrade and Migration > Check Upgrade Status.
Confirm the last event for each server has succeeded. If there is a failure, consult the log file mentioned in the upgrade session details and address the problem.
Once addressing the problem, you may need to run psconfig
Navigate to SharePoint Central Administration > Upgrade and Migration and Check product and patch installation status.
Confirm that the install status is installed for each product / patch. Address any failures.
Aurea Social relies on the SharePoint Timer Service to successfully deploy solutions.
If the timer service is non-functional on any SharePoint server on the farm, the upgrade could fail.
To verify timer service functionality,
- Navigate to Central Administration > Monitoring > Review Job Definitions > Job History.
- In the upper right-hand corner, you can filter the View.
- From the drop-down menu, choose Server. For each server in the farm, verify that timer jobs have been executing successfully on each SharePoint server in the farm.
Each server typically executes several of these jobs every minute.
If the upgrade / installation account - the account that you are logged into the server and performing the upgrade with – has a large profile, which increases the time needed to perform the upgrade.
Aurea Social recommends deleting any unneeded files from the profile. A profile can get quite large if files, such as service packs, are saved to the desktop instead of a designated downloads folder on the file system or network share.
To check the profile size, do the following:
- Log on to the server that needs upgrade.
- Right click on computer or my computer and click advanced system settings.
- In the User Profiles section click settings. All profiles, along with size, are listed.
- Locate the profile you are logged in with to perform the upgrade. You’ll want to get the profile down to 5-10 MB, if possible.
Typically, you can find the profile on the file system at C:\users\%USERNAME%
- move or delete unnecessary or large files.
You should verify the prerequisites before attempting an upgrade. To do this,
- Log in with the account that will be performing the upgrade (typically the farm account).
- Run
(right click, run as Administrator) from the Aurea Social Files on the server, - Address any deficiencies. Typically, these have to do with permissions.
- Once the prerequisite check is complete, click the X in the upper right-hand corner to exit.