Quiz Review Workflow Termination
If the quiz review workflow is cancelled or terminates unexpectedly for any reason, the following events occur:
- The quiz’s lifecycle status is to Draft
- The document’s workflow status is updated to Quiz Review Cancelled
- The following audit log entry is created to record the termination event:
- Lifecycle Status Change entry identifying the from and to lifecycle stages in the description.
- The overall workflow status on the Workflow Overview screen is set to Canceled and the Completed On date is set to the date and the time of termination
- The workflow history for that instance of the review workflow is updated to reflect the date and the time of termination
- All tasks that were in In Progress stage when the workflow is terminated are cancelled and their status is updated to reflect cancellation
- The User Actions section for the tasks that were cancelled is updated to the status Canceled
- All reviewers whose tasks were cancelled are notified via an email that they no longer need to review the quiz
- The workflow initiator and the quiz author are notified via an email that the workflow is terminated