Change Request Workflow Termination
If a change request workflow is cancelled manually or unexpectedly for any reason, the following events occur:
- The document’s workflow status is updated to Change Request Workflow Terminated
- The following audit log entry is created to record termination events
Workflow Terminated entry. The description of this entry either identifies the user id of the user who terminated the workflow or indicates that the workflow is terminated as a result of an error in the workflow.
- The overall workflow status on the Workflow Overview screen is set to Canceled and the Completed On date is set to the date and the time of termination
- The workflow history for that instance of the change request workflow is updated to reflect the date and the time of termination
- The tasks that are in In Progress stage when the workflow is terminated are cancelled and their status is updated to reflect cancellation
- The user actions for the tasks that are cancelled are updated to the status Canceled
- The approvers whose tasks are cancelled are notified via an email that they no longer need to approve the request
- The workflow initiator and any approvers configured for the current phase of the content change request are notified via an email that the workflow terminated