Enable hashtag suggestions
With Enable hashtag suggestions turned off, users are left to their own devices to decide when a word they type makes a suitable hashtag by which to index the post so that others may more easily locate it. In fact, not all users know that they can type the # sign and get suggestions on hashtags, and this important tool for making user content more visible to others may be under used.
With Enable hashtag suggestions turned on, Aurea Social provides suggestions to users as they type a post or response as to which words they should make into hashtags, and provide a single-click method for the user to make the conversion. As users type in microblogs or questions, suggestions appear below the entry area:
Activity Stream window
Hovering mouse over the suggestions gives a tool tip to tell the user what clicking on the “+” symbol does. When the user clicks, the hashtag is added in the post.
Click on Add all
Clicking on Add all adds all the suggested hashtags. To limit potential performance impacts, only single-term hashtags is suggested and the system only searches for matching terms after a space is typed at the end of a word.
If you choose to use the setting which allows auto completion of hashtags based on the SharePoint metatag store, the ability to autocomplete expires after the web page has been loaded for at least 30 minutes without refreshing.
Refreshing the web page resets the auto complete behavior both for hashtag suggestions and auto completion of hashtags when a user types the # symbol.