Enable editing microblogs, questions, comments and answers
Enable editing microblogs, questions, comments and answers
With Enable editing microblogs, questions, comments and answers turned off, there is no Edit option on any user-created Activity Stream content.
With Enable editing microblogs, questions, comments and answers turned on, users see the Edit option in the upper right corner menu of microblogs or questions which have not yet had comments or likes added to them.
Click Edit
For compliance reasons, Aurea Social keeps a copy of the original item as it was created. So clicking Edit actually marks the original item as deleted in the database and creates a new item with the same starting text already populated.
New item with same starting text populated
Editing a comment or answer works the same way.
Editing a comment or replying a comment
Editing a comment or replying a comment
Enable editing of microblogs and questions AFTER comments or likes have been added
Before version 5.2, the only time editing was allowed on a microblog or question was before any like or comment was added. With this feature, companies can decide if they want to allow posts to be edited even if there are already likes, comments or answers on them.
The setting which enables this behavior is in the Miscellaneous Settings section.
Check checkboxes to enable
The new setting to allow editing after comments or likes have been added requires that you enable the broader setting above it to allow edits.