Getting started
Device requirements
Aurea Social for Android requires OS 2.2 and above, and will work on both on Android phones and on tablets. The app works with Aurea Social server versions 3.1 and above. If you’re not sure what server version you are using, contact your IT administrator.
May, 2014 - There is an issue with Android OS (KitKat V4.4.2):
Problem: Mailto links are entirely entered into the address field instead of being parsed into Address, Subject and Body
Impact: Clicking on any links within an email (e.g. Instant Notifcations, digest email links like 'like', 'comment', etc) will not parse correctly back into the Android Email client, thus the email will fail to send.
Fix: Currently there is no fix we can put into our product to work around this. We are awaiting a patch OS release from Android to fix this issue.
Download and install
Aurea Social for Android can be downloaded by following this link: 1bGwsMSwyLDNd
Logging in
When you first launch the app, you will see the log in screen.
Log in screen
Provide your network credentials to access Aurea Social. You can elect to show your password as you type it in by tapping Show when that field is highlighted.
If you aren’t sure what your credentials are, or what the domain and server fields should be, contact your IT administrator.