Viewing badge possibilities, progress, and awards
Via Activity Stream
Badges your colleagues earn will appear in your activity stream, under a Recognition header. You can filter to see all the badges that others have earned by selecting the Earned Badges filter.
Activity Stream
Via Recognition web parts
There are three web parts for viewing awarded and available badges:
- Available Badges
- Earned Badges
- Leader Board
Available Badges web part
The Available Badges web part shows the viewing user the badges they have not yet earned by any of the currently active and visible scoring rules. With each of these it graphically displays the user’s progress toward that badge.
This web part will typically go on a personal viewing area for the user, but could go on any public page. It always shows the status for the viewing user.
Hovering over badge displays a tooltip which is the description for the scoring rule to earn that badge.
Available Badges
Earned Badges web part
Earned badges is intended for display on the users My Profile page. It shows the badges which this user has been awarded, on display for anyone visiting the page to see.
Earned Badges
Leader Board web part
The Leader Board web part lists the top-scoring users under a particular rule, regardless of whether they have passed the threshold for earning the badge under that rule or not. Highest scorers show on top.
This web part typically goes on a public page.
A dropdown listing available rules allows the user to change which rule is displayed (rules for which the "Show in Leader Board" property is turned off are not displayed for selection).
When your score is among the leaders for a particular badge, your entry in the Leader Board is displayed in bold and given an asterisk, making it easier to compare your progress against those of your peers (pictured above left).
When your score is not among the leaders, your score is displayed below those of the leaders (pictured above right) to give you a better idea of your standing.
(This positioning should not be taken to indicate that your rank is 11th; there may be many others scoring between yourself and the last "leader" for a given badge.)
User names displayed in the Leader Board web part are links that on mouseover pop up a miniprofile (pictured abovet). On click, they navigate to the user's profile page.
To set which rule is displayed by default when the page loads, open the web part menu and select Edit this web part.
The top item in the Leader Board settings is a drop down titled Select this badge by default. Make your selection here and click OK.
The number of users to show on the leader board can be changed using the web part's Leader Result Count property, also available via the Edit this web part menu option. This defaults to 10.
Via mini profile display
Icons for three of each user's earned public badges appear in their mini-profile, in the bottom right corner (pictured below left), and near the bottom of their Expertise Browser profile (pictured below right).
In the Expertise Browser profile, badge titles are displayed below the icons. In the mini-profile, when you drag your mouse pointer over any of these badges, the badge name and description are displayed in a tooltip.