Aurea Social Video Stream Kaltura Integration
Integration with the Kaltura Video paltform is configured in the Video Stream Kaltura integration configuration page. From that page you can enter your read/write keys that allow you to access your Kaltura videos through Kaltura’s REST API.
Once you configure your access key, video links to your Kaltura videos can play inline in the activity stream.
A video upload icon shows up in the activity stream allowing you to upload a video to the Kaltura platform.
Behaviors you can configure on that page:
Url to the Kaltura platform API
Should typically be:
To use the Kaltura API, you need a Publisher Account with API access.
Your partner ID that identifies you to the Kaltura platform
To find your Kaltura partner id:
- Open the KMC and go to Settings > Accounts Settings
- Under Account Info, copy the Partner ID value
The ADMIN secret to use an ADMIN connection to the Kaltura platform.
You can get that key from :
- Open the KMC and go to Settings > Integration Settings.
- The Administrator Secret field is the value.
The key is never sent to the client. It is only used server side while communicating with Kaltura.
The USER secret to use a USER connection to the Kaltura platform.
You can get that key from:
- Open the KMC and go to Settings > Integration Settings.
- The User Secret field is the value.
If you use a user session instead of an admin session you have to ensure the user account used has all the appropriate access to add and view videos.
User login id to use when using the USER secret or login/password connection type.
This is only needed if you are using a USER secret instead of an ADMIN secret.
Password to use if you wish to use a USER secret connection type.
This is only needed if you are using a USER secret instead of an ADMIN secret.
Time, in minutes, a video is allowed to take to get uploaded to Kaltura video platform
If the upload takes more than the set amount of minutes, it is stopped.
- Url template to use when generating the link that is displayed to users in the system
- This is the link that users get if they directly click on the video link in the stream
- By default we create the link to media space. If you want the link to go to media space you have to change it by replacing
with the value appropriate for your company.
- Url template to use when rendering the Kaltura player in the stream
- This is the link to the actual video file.
- Default player id to use when generating links to a video uploaded to Kaltura video platform
- This is the player id that is placed in the link created when the video is added to the stream.
- Always use the default player for Kaltura videos in the stream
- This causes the playback to always use the default player you specified and ignore any player id in the link.
- Tags that is automatically added to videos uploaded to Kaltura video platform
- The video module can add tags to the video added to Kaltura. Tags specified in this field is always added to the video.
- Separate tags with a space.
- Text that is associated with activity stream entries created when a new video is added
- This is the actual stream entry text that is created when the video is added.
- The text can contain place holders that are replaced by their appropriate value at run time
- {postText} – Text specified as post text in the create video dialog
- {videoTitle} – Title specified in the create video dialog
- {videoUrl} – The url to the video, this is the url specified in section 1). This place holder must be somewhere in the text.
- Show Activity Stream Text field
- Determines if the activity stream text field is showed in the create video dialog.
- The data in this field is the complete text that is set for the activity stream.
- By default, the data in this field shows what you entered as the default text associated with the activity stream.
Note:If it does not showed the activity stream text is the default text.
- Show Post Text field
- Determines if the post text field is showed in the create video dialog.
- The data in this field is placed in the stream text and replace the place holder
Note:If you do not include
in the activity stream text this field does not show anywhere. - Show Video Description Field
- Determines if the video description field is showed in the create video dialog.
- This field sends the video description to Kaltura.
- Show Video Player ID field
- Determines if the Player Id field is showed in the create video dialog.
- This field allows the user to specify which player id to use when creating the link to the video.
- If this field is not showed the default player id is used
- Show Video Tags field
- Determines if the tags field is showed.
- The tags a user enters in this field are in addition to those you might have configured in the Tags, they are automatically added to videos uploaded to Kaltura video platform” field
- Use White video upload icon
- If selected, a white video upload icon is used instead of a gray one. This can be used if you have a theme where the gray icon does hot have enough contrast.
- Show video preview link in the stream
- Determines if the link to the video is hidden in the stream or not.
Note:The link still shows up in digest emails.
- Url to company policy
- When entered there is a link to the policy showed to the user in the create video dialog.
- Require disclaimer to be accepted
- When selected this forces the user to select the check box that says you have read and agree with company policies before being able to submit the video.
- Minimum length user id set for video creator should be
- We send the Kaltura user id by looking up the email of the user creating the video in Kaltura. If you are using media space the id in the video is used to show the video in the users “My media” section.
- The field allows you to set a size for the id that we send. By default, the ID is padded with spaces before the id.
- Padding char used to make user id the required length. User id is padded on the left.
- This allows you to change the padding character used.
- Show video expiration field
- Determines if the video expiration field is showed in the create video dialog.
- Metadata profile id used to store the video expiration date
- If you leave it at -1 we use the default Kaltura expiration mechanism
- If you enter an id then it retrieves that metadata profile to find the field into which the expiration date is stored
- Field in the metada profile used to store the expiration date
- The field from the metadata profile we retrieve where we store the expiration date.
- Default number of days a video is kept before expiring
- If entered it sets the expiration by default to today + number of days specified.
- The expiration date can be changed by the user if the expiration date field is showed. Otherwise it cannot be changed and the expiration is automatically set. Note:
If you want to force expiration to always be a certain number of days after the video is added by a user all you have to do is to not show the expiration field and se the default number of days a video is kept.