User Profile Completion Report
Aurea Social includes a report to show the level of completeness of user profiles for the steps included in the new user / getting started process.
The ability to view this User Profile Completion Report is available only to those with the Reporting Access permission in the NewsGator Social Platform service.
For further details, see Permissions for global capabilities section.
Click the New User Statistics Report link on the Aurea Social Administration page to see this report.
This report is run checking which users have completed each stage of the wizard to avoid putting extra strain on the SharePoint user profile service. Users can skip steps in the Getting Started web part and shows in this report as having progressed through that stage.
The process for new users in the Lookout page requires users to actually enter data before they can proceed through the steps.
The report looks like this
The rows show the steps in the user profile wizard. The # Complete column indicates the number of users who have passed through this step in the wizard.
These steps can be completed from either the Getting Started web part from prior Aurea Social or the tile in the Lookout page. The Getting Started web part allows skipping steps which is still tracked as completed in this report.
The wizard in the Lookout page validates that the user has entered data on all steps except the profile picture and time zone.