Global Activity Reporting
The ability to view reports on global activity across your SharePoint deployment is available only to those with the Reporting Access permission in the NewsGator Social Platform service.
For further details, see Permissions for global capabilities section.
- Click the Reports link on the Aurea Social Administration page. Global activity reports is displayed. These parts work exactly like the reporting parts on display in the Admin tab of a community except they cover all activity in the system.
- Click in the from or to boxes to open a date selector control. In the From box enter the beginning date, and in the To box enter the ending date, for the activities you’d like in the report.
- Click export. Your browser prompts you to allow opening or saving a file. Choose any.
Placing the reporting parts in any place except a community will cause them to show the global data view.
global activity reports page
Also available on this page is the Export Report web part. This web part allows exporting the reporting data into csv format which can be readily used in Microsoft Excel for additional reporting.
In this tabular form, reporting data can be analyzed in ways the other reporting web parts don’t support.
A community-scoped version of this web part appears on the Admin tab of communities.
export report
Select dates
The data is provided in four main columns when viewed from a community. They show any communities connected with the item (delineated by semi-colons), the date, the user and the type of action.
The community-scoped version of this web part creates reports like this global one, but without the Community column.
Also available on this page is a globally-scoped version of the User Detail Report. This shows how active a user has been, and what types of activities they’ve been engaging in.
- Enter a search string and press the magnifying glass button. Matching users are listed.
- Click on a specific user. A display panel is opened that shows the date of last activity as well as overall counts of actions in the last 30, 60 and 90 days. This can be helpful for assessing users who have greatly increased or decreased participation. It also provides a breakdown of their last 90 days of activity by type.
Enter a search string and press search icon
Click on specific user