NewsGator Unanswered Questions Notification Job



First release



This job sends two types of emails. The first is a notification email to Q&A curators for questions that have not been answered in the specified number of hours. The second is a notification email to someone who asks a question that has answers prompting them to mark good answers after the specified number of hours.

Consequences of stopping

Curators are not prompted to answer questions and askers are not prompted to mark potential good answers accordingly.

Data per cycle

Generates one email per curator that has questions that are unanswered within the configurable timeframe since the last time the job was ran.

Also generate one email per asker that has answers to questions that have not been marked as good since the last time the job was ran.

Default interval

Hourly (any time of the hour)

Minimum Recommended interval

Hourly (any time of the hour)

Maximum Recommended interval

24 hours