Versioning settings

The Versioning settings link takes you to a screen where you can establish version-specific settings.

The Version Settings determine whether you will retain versions of each item or file each time it is edited, how many versions, and the type of version.

The Version Settings screen contains four (4) functional sections: Content Approval; Document Version History; Draft Item Security; and Require Check Out.

  1. Content Approval allows you to specify whether approval is required prior to moving a document out of draft status. To require approval, click on the radio button for Yes. By default, this is set to No.
    Note: Be aware that if you are using NextDocs features, you should not set Content Approval to Yes. Content Approval has the potential to disrupt NextDocs features.
  2. Document Version History allows you to specify whether a version should be created for each document modification and how many versions should be retained.

    Versioning types:

    • No versioning – the system will not save any versions. By default document libraries are set to No versioning.
    • Create major versions – each new version of the document will be given a major version number (1, 2, 3, etc.). Major versions are often referred to as published versions and are used to represent major milestones in the document’s history.
    • Create major and minor (draft) versions – each new version of the document will be given a minor version number until it is published to a major version (.1, .2, .3, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, etc.). Minor versions are typically editing changes made during authoring. To minimize storage, you can overwrite the previous minor version if the modification is not significant.