Unique Permissions
Each SharePoint site collection is created with three default permission groups: a visitors group that has Read permissions, a members group that has contribute permissions and an owners group that has full control. All subordinate sites inherit from these three groups unless you configure unique permissions.
You can create unique permissions for any or all groups. For example, you may choose to create a unique members group for your site, but use an existing visitors and owners group.
If you elected to use unique permissions, set up the permissions on the “Set Up Groups for
this Site” screen as follows:
- For each of the three categories (visitors, members and owners):
- If you click on the radio button for “Create a new group”, the system will display a textbox to enter a group name and a textbox to assign users.
- Select “Use an existing group” and the system will present a menu of available existing groups for selection.
- Click OK.