Create a subsite:
- Navigate to the site that will be the parent of the new subsite. The subsite will be created under this site and will inherit from it unless otherwise specified.
- On the home page of the parent site, click on Site Actions to open the Site Actions menu.
- From the Site Actions menu select New Site to access the Create screen.
- On the Create screen:
- Select the template that will be used to create this site.Note: The site template is a default set of capabilities organized to meet a sepcific need.
- Enter a title for the site.
- Enter the URL of the site. It is a good practice to keep the name short and sweet. Remember, the maximum SharePoint URL length is 255 characters. If you have nested folders, the URL can grow rapidly.
- Select the template that will be used to create this site.
- Optionally, click on the “More Options” button to customize the site.
- The title will be pre-populated but you now have a place to enter a brief description that summarizes the function for which the site is being created.
- In the Permissions section you can elect to either:
- Select “Use same permissions as parent site", or
- Select “Use unique permissions”. If you elect to use
unique permissions the system will navigate to the “Set Up Groups for this
Site” screen when you click on the Create button. On this screen you can
define the Visitors, Members and Owners of the subsite.
- The Navigation section allows you do define if and where the system will place a link to the site. The link can be added to the Quick Launch Bar and/or the top link bar.
- The Navigation Inheritance allows you to define whether the site will have its own top link bar or will inherit the options from the parent’s top link bar.
- Click on the Create button.