Auto Document Naming

Auto Document Naming allows you create a schema that will be used to automatically rename the document when it is created and saved. The new name will be placed in the Name column.

The format of the Auto Document Naming schema can include any or all of the following: alphanumeric characters, literals, metadata which is enclosed in the [ ] brackets and dates which are enclosed in { } brackets.

The current date is assigned to a date format when the document is renamed. The date will not change if the document is subsequently modified. Valid date formats are the same as those displayed on the Document Numbering configuration screen with the exception that the feature will not accept a slash / to separate the month, day and year. You must designate either a dash - or a space.

Auto Document Naming is assigned synchronously to a new document or list item. It is assigned synchronously to existing items when they are modified or checked out and checked in.

If the Auto Document Naming schema contains a date format, the date format is reconciled to the current date when the document is auto-named. For new documents this would be the creation date. For existing documents, this would be the first time the document is modified or checked out and checked in. Subsequent modifications will not trigger the document to be renamed due to a date change.

If the Auto Document Naming schema contains metadata, the metadata will be resolved to the value of the metadata for that document. If the metadata value is subsequently changed, the document will be re-named to resolve the metadata to the new value.

If the system cannot reconcile any part of the Auto Document Naming schema, it will not rename the document. Resolution may fail for the following:

  • The schema contains metadata and the metadata name does not match a valid column for the document,
  • The schema contains metadata and the associated metadata column is blank for the document,
  • The schema contains a date format and that format is not valid.
