Document Numbering Template Prioritization
If Document Numbering is enabled in multiple environments within a library or list, it will be prioritized as follows:
A document numbering template enabled for an active content type will take precedence over a document numbering template enabled for its parent site content type.
If there is no unique document numbering template enabled for active content type, the template assigned to the site content type from which the active content type inherits, will take precedence.
Otherwise, the document numbering template enabled for the library or list will be assigned.
Documents will not be renumbered by the system. If the schema contains a date format and the document is modified or checked out and checked in, the document number will not be updated to reflect the new date. Additionally, if the schema contains metadata and the value assigned to the metadata is modified after a document number is assigned, the document number will not be updated to reflect the new value.
If the system cannot reconcile any part of the Document Numbering schema, it will not assign a number to the document. Resolution may fail for the following:
- The schema contains metadata and the metadata name does not match a valid column for the document,
- The schema contains metadata and the associated metadata column is blank for the document,
- The schema contains a date format and that format is not valid.