Create a Document Library
To create a document library, open the Site Actions menu and select New Document Library. The system displays the Create window.
- Name and Description
Enter a name for the document library. This is the name that will appear on the Quick Launch Bar and on the Breadcrumb Trail. Since it will appear throughout the SharePoint site, it should be short but descriptive enough to identify the purpose of the library.
Enter a brief description defining the document library. This will appear immediately under the Breadcrumb Trail when you access the library.
- Navigation
Specify whether a link to this library should appear on the Quick Launch Bar. By default, this is set to Yes.
- Document Version History
Specify whether to create a new version each time a file is edited in the library. By default, this is set to No.
- Document Template
Identify the template that will be presented when you create a new document using the SharePoint default content type. By default, the system will select the Microsoft Word template when you create a new document. You can change this to suit your document library requirements. For example, you can select Microsoft Excel if your library will contain mainly spreadsheet documents.
Tip: For SharePoint 2010, the default template for a document library is Microsoft Word document, not Microsoft Word 97-2003. For .doc documents, this should be set to Microsoft Word 97-2003. - When you click on Create, your library will be created and the system will refresh with the new library open. If you selected Yes for Navigation, you will see the document library name as a link on the Quick Launch Bar under Documents.
Your document library will be created with a single column called Title.