Configure the Workflow Settings

  1. Display upload document provides the user with a means to upload a document along with comments that will appear in the library next to the document.
  2. Display To-do list link provides a link to the To-do List on the task web part.
  3. Display comments for review tasks allow you to enable the display of the Comments textbox on the document review task web part. (Applies to a Request Review workflow action)
  4. Require comments for review tasks allows you to enforce commenting on a review task. The user will not be allowed to complete the review task without entering comments. (Applies to a Request Review workflow action)
  5. Display comments for approval outcome of approval tasks allow you to enable the Comments textbox on the document approval task web part. (Applies to task content types of eApproval and Digital Signature for a Request Approval workflow action)
  6. Require comments for approval outcome of approval tasks allows you to enforce commenting on an approval task with an outcome of Approved. The user will not be allowed to approve and complete the approval task without entering comments. (Applies to task content types of eApproval and Digital Signature for a Request Approval workflow action)
  7. Require comments on rejection outcome of approval tasks allows you to enforce commenting on an approval task with an outcome of Rejected. The user will not be allowed to reject and complete the approval task without entering comments. Note: a comments field will always be displayed for the rejection outcome. (Applies to task content types of eApproval and Digital Signature for a Request Approval workflow action)
  8. Require authentication on rejection allows you to require user name and password to authenticate on an approval task with an outcome of Rejected. The user will not be allowed to reject and complete the approval task without authenticating. (Applies to task content types of eApproval and Digital Signature for a Request Approval workflow action)
  9. Display Delegate Task will display the message “Or you can Delegate this task to another person” with the word Delegate being a link to the Delegate Task page. This allows the user to delegate the task, select a user to own the task and provide comments concerning the reasons for delegation.
  10. Place item properties above the signature web-part will re-configure the task signature page. By default the item properties are displayed below the signature web-part.