Direct User-to-user (Kudos) Badges

There is a web part that, when deployed to public user profile pages, will allow users to give kudos to other users in the form of a badge. Here is what it looks like on a user's profile page:

Kudos badge

Notice it gives the person's name. When you go to someone else's profile page and use this web part, you are giving them kudos. (Users are not permitted to give kudos to themselves, however.)

Your message appears in the activity stream for that person and her followers, alongside whatever icon you chose to use:


There are a set of 14 icons available by default for use with in kudos. Spotlight administrations can make any changes they wish to this list via the global Spotlight Management page, by adding new badges and marking them as kudos badges, or by removing existing kudos badges.

A badge marked as a kudos badge may not be used for any other kinds of badge awarding, and vice-versa.

Kudos badges can only be defined at the global level (there are no community-level kudos badges).