Expand Action Parameters

Learn about the input arguments supported by the Expand Action Parameters.

The Expand action supports the following input arguments:


The name of the Expand configuration. For further details, see Expand Configuration.

If undefined, the Expand configuration <infoAreaId> is used. This is the default Expand configuration for the info area from which the action is called.


The unique ID of the record to be displayed.

The uid consists of a record's infoAreaID plus recordID, thus uniquely identifying the record in the database.

Possible values:

  • Record: Displays the current record.
  • Linked: Displays the parent record of the current record.


Selecting a person from the sub-list of a company record (Related Data):

Record displays an Expand view of the selected person record.

Linked displays an Expand view of the selected person's parent company.


The mode of the Expand view:

  • New: Expand view for creating a new record (as used in the ExpandNew action template). For further details, see ExpandNew Action Parameters.
  • NewMy: Depending on the parent record (see link/linkId/link2/linkId2) the new record is created as follows:
    • parent FI: The new record is created as a child of the current user's company record (u8.session.identity.companyUid)
    • parent KP: The new record is created as a child of the current user's person record (u8.session.identity.personUid)
    • any other parent: fallback to mode=New

    Example in UPDATE_DEFAULT: D_NewAppointment_My and D_NewAppointment_My_FI in M_CalNew called by the New Calendar Entry button. These menu actions create new activities for the current user and the current user's company respectively.

  • NewOrShow: Expand view for creating a new record or updating an existing one. Use this mode for 1:1 links only, in situations where only one linked record is allowed, example - for a marketing activity (AK) only one execution record (AD) may exist. In addition, you need to pass a link record to the expand action. For further details, see link/linkId/link2/linkId2.
  • Show: Expand view that allows users to update an existing record (default). For further details, see Expand Action Parameters
  • Update: Expand view for updating an existing record with values specified in the action. Use the following parameters to create Expand actions with mode = Update:


The link relation used to determine the record to be displayed.

Enter $Parent to display a record's parent record.

Enter $GenericLink to display a generic link record.

Other possible values: $RelatedCompany, $RelatedHuman, $RelatedPerson, $RelatedAppointment. For further details, see Link Names in JavaScript.


A comma-separated list of one or more (local) JavaScript files to be loaded to the page.


Defines the view to be displayed or menu action to be performed after saving. This overrides default.

Syntax - Menu:<menu action>

Example: Menu:A_ExpandTree opens a record's Tree view after saving.


If set to none, the page is not added to the (page-related) browsing history.

Default: None


The name of the provider that is used to save the records in the Expand view. Use this parameter to specify your own ASPX-page if you want to use a different channel.


Only for Expand pages with mode=Show or Update. A comma-separated list of fields (<field name or number>) whose contents are to be cleared upon updating the record.


Controls whether an action is executed in a new tab. The following values are available:

  • false: To create a new tab Ctrl+Click has to be used.
  • true: The action (example - displaying a record or opening the calendar) is always executed in a new tab.

    The tab title is retrieved from the header as defined in the action (example - headerGroupName in a Tree action). If no header is found, the label of the button or menu item that called page is used instead. For more details, see the article “How to set the Title of a Tab”, see https://support.aurea.com.

To specify if and how the new tab should be reused if the same action is called again, use the following syntax (JSON):

{"reuseId": "<tabId>", "reuseRecord": true, "refresh": true}

reuseId: Executes the action in a tab with the specified ID. <TabId> can be any name you choose. If no tab with such an ID exists, a new tab is created, otherwise Aurea CRM.Web switches to the existing tab.

reuseRecord: For generic menu actions like A_Expand or A_ExpandTree, where you need a different ID for each record, you can specify "reuseRecord": true. Example: For A_Expand in M_Company this would open each company in a separate tab. But if the user tries to expand a company which is already open, the respective tab is activated instead.

refresh: Defines whether the re-used tab is not only brought into the foreground but also refreshed. Example: {"reuseId":"ExpandView","refresh":true} for an expand action refreshes the tab to always display the current record.

Default: False

Note: If a menu action with a definition for createNewTab (example - {"reuseId": "myTabId", "refresh": true}) is executed via Ctrl+Click these parameters are used as well.
Note: To automatically close a tab, define the parameter onProceed as input argument and set it to $back, >> onProceed. This closes the tab if the user clicks Save after editing a record in a new tab, and automatically navigates back to the previous tab.


If set to true, the action (example - A_Expand) is executed in a popup. If set to false or undefined, the action is executed on the current page.

Default: undefined

Example in UPDATE_DEFAULT: If the user clicks to edit an item in the calendar, the menu action A_Edit<InfoAreaId>_Calendar (configured for A1, A3 and MA) is executed. These menu actions are by default configured to create a new popup.

Instead of true you can specify an options string defining the popup's visualization (example - createNewPopup = title(My Popup);width(0.5);height(0.2)).

The following parameters are supported:

  • title: The header text for the popup as a string. Alternatively, you can specify any CRM.Designer text using the syntax TXT_<textgroup>_<number>. If undefined, the page's name is used as title (example -. "Expand").
  • width: The width of the popup. Integers are interpreted as pixels, floating-point values (between 0.0 and 1.0) are interpreted as a percentage of the browser windows's size. If undefined, 60% of the window width are used as default.
  • height: The height of the popup. Possible values and default as for width.

There can only be one popup at a time: If a navigational action is executed in the popup (example - A_AddPerson), the popup automatically closes and the action is executed in a new tab. Therefore, suppose if you execute a Search action in a popup and provide an ExpandNew action within the search, the search popup is closed and the ExpandNew action is executed in a new tab. To implement this scenario using popups only, you need to define a process containing the Search and ExpandNew actions as process steps. For further details, see Processes.

To close a popup, define the parameter onProceed as input argument and set it to $back, >> onProceed. This closes the popup if the user clicks Save after editing a record in a popup.

You can define createNewPopup for all navigational actions, i.e. any action referring to a URL.
Note: Creating a new tab via Crtl+Click or createNewTab always takes precedence over createNewPopup.


Determines the view mode of the page.

Available values: Edit, Read.


Users can switch from View to Edit mode by clicking the Edit button. For further details, see Edit .


Determines the active tab of the Details control when initially displaying a record in Expand view.

Specify the tab number (0-based). Example - initialTab = 3 activates the fourth tab of the Details control.


Determines the active sub-list tab when initially displaying a record in Expand view.

You can specify either the tab number (0-based) or the info area ID: initialSubListTab,3 activates the fourth sub-list tab upon opening the page, initialSubListTab,MA activates the Activities sub-list.

Note: It is recommended to use the info area ID since this continues to work even if the tab order is changed at some later point in the project.


Allows you to use a different field group than configured in the Expand configuration.


Set this argument to off in order to prevent the page from proceeding after a successful save or delete.


Use/define the onProceed parameter to control a page's behavior when its proceed() method is called.

Defining onProceed = $back results in the following behavior:

  • If createNewPopup = true is defined for the action, the popup closes. For further details, see createNewPopup.
  • If createNewTab = true is defined for the action, the tab closes and Aurea CRM.Web navigates back to the previous tab.
  • If neither createNewPopup nor createNewTab is set to true, the last page of the current tab is loaded again.


Use this parameter to control the positioning of a validation message for an action. For example, saving a record results in a validation message about the save action. You can select one of three positions: Top; Bottom; Hidden.
Note: This parameter is used to control action-specific validation messages. For global control of validation message for all actions use the web configuration parameter Expand.ValidationSummaryPosition.

Type: Value-Optional


When the content of an Expand template is saved, it reloads the current tab. Thus, all related child data is refreshed automatically without the need to reload the page.

Type: Boolean

Default: False