
Learn about MarketingCalendar action template.

The MarketingCalendar action template (MarketingCalendar.aspx) is used by the ID_NET_MARKETINGCALENDAR menu action (ID_NET_CAMPAIGN_MGMT menu) in UPDATE_DEFAULT.

The Marketing Calendar provides a calendar-like overview of campaigns (CM), marketing activities (AK) and sales cycles (VR) for the selected time frame allowing users to move and resize items.

Note: To implement restrictions on moving marketing activities when moving campaigns (e.g. only move marketing activities with Status = "Scheduled"), you need to configure the appropriate update rights.

By default, items can be edited via double-click. Marketing activities without an end date are displayed with duration = 1 day.

Campaigns and sales cycles are sorted alphabetically. The sorting of marketing activities depends on where they are displayed:

  • If displayed alone, they are sorted alphabetically.
  • If displayed linked to sales cycles or campaigns, they are sorted by start date. For this case custom sorting can be defined in the action. For further details, see sortFieldAK.

The marketing calendar consists of the following configuration units:

  • The ID_NET_MARKETINGCALENDAR menu action. For further details, see MarketingCalendar Action Parameters.

    ID_NET_MARKETINGCALENDAR is assigned to CRM process "Marketing Calendar" (CRM process ID 700?).

  • The special header MarketingCalendarHeader containing the following:
    • Toggle buttons to display campaigns or sales cycles with their linked marketing activities, or marketing activities only. It is configured by Toggles(M_MarketingCalendarViews).
    • A toggle button that determines whether to move linked records (i.e. marketing activities) when moving a campaign.
    • A settings button allowing the user to select the color coding scheme of the displayed items by info area or status.
    • A legend button explaining the currently active color coding. For further details, see Legend.

      In addition, campaign and sales cycle items use bold text in order to distinguish them from marketing activities.

    • A slider to adjust the zoom level of the calendar view.
  • The items displayed in the marketing calendar use the table captions <infoAreaId>.MarketingCalendar (fallback <infoAreaId>). For small items and multi-line table captions the complete table caption is displayed in the tooltip.
  • The sidebar contains the date picker and the filter set button, analogous to the calendar. Default filters can be configured in the action. For further details, see defaultFilterSet.

The user's settings toggle button states, color coding and filters are stored in the user's roaming settings. For further details, see User Settings.