
Learn to plan routes on an interactive map.

The VisitPlanning action template is used to create a location-based visit planning page allowing users to plan routes based on their own location and the locations of their customers on an interactive map.

In UPDATE_DEFAULT the VisitPlanning action is called by the VisitPlanning application menu action configured in ID_NET_APPOINTMENT_MGMT (Collaboration > Visit Planning). In addition, the A_VisitPlanningFromCustomer context menu action is available in the context menus for companies and persons (M_Company, M_Person).

Based on the information saved in the Aurea CRM database (location, working/opening hours, ABC ratings, open work orders etc. For further details, see Default Values) Visit Planning provides the following functionality:

  • Creation of suggestions for customer visits for the selected rep: Visit suggestions are created as Suggestion (SV) records that are displayed as pins on the map and items in the time line above the map. Existing activity (MA) records for the selected rep and day are displayed as well.

    For any issues on the route warning about idle times, a visit being outside opening hours etc.) Annotation (SX) records are created and are displayed within the route using different icons based on the value in the Annotation quality field (SX:5).

  • Users can manually adjust the route as follows:
  • edit suggestions directly in the map
  • rearrange items using drag&drop on the time line
  • add/remove persons/companies by selecting Add to/Remove from Route from the context menu (M_VisitPlanning).

    Driving times and annotations are updated accordingly. Other pins in the route are not changed.

  • Optimization of manually created routes by clicking the Optimize button, see the article “Visit planning optimization” at

    Existing MA records are not changed by the optimizer.

  • Creation of activities: Clicking on the Save as visits button creates MA records of type "Visit" from the suggestions on the map. The SV records are deleted automatically.

    The starting point of the route is not turned into an MA record. A route's starting point is defined by the Starting location flag (SV:12). Make sure this is never manually changed (example - via the Readonly field attribute).

For a detailed description of the use interface and functionality, see Visit Planning in the Web Business Logic User Guide (

For a complete description of the Visit Planning algorithm, see the article “Visit planning optimization” at

Use the SDK page to test all elements of the Visit Planning page.