Custom enhancer

A Custom enhancerA commonly used form, such as a survey or unsubscribe request that you can add to your message. can include any content, including HTMLHypertext Markup Language. A set of tags used to mark the structural elements of text files. HTML files include tags that create hyperlinks to other documents on the Internet., Flash, Shockwave, Java, and so on. You can, for example, easily insert your company logo into all your messages.


Custom enhancers are not stored on the EmailLabs server. For this reason, you must create the enhancer with absolute references.

Creating a custom enhancer

You can create your own Custom enhancer using the Content Library.

  1. Follow instructions for creating an enhancer.
  2. On the Enhancer page, add your content in the Enhancer Info field.
  3. Click Next.

Click Previous to make any changes.

  1. Click Save. The enhancer is created and the Enhancers page opens. The new enhancer appears in the Enhancers list.

Adding the custom enhancer to a message

After you create a Custom enhancer, you can add it to a message using Aurea Campaign Manager. For information about adding an enhancer using Aurea Campaign Manager, see Adding Enhancers.

To add a Custom enhancer in EmailLabs, see Creating a Message, Part 3: Adding Content and Enhancements.