Landing Pages

On the Landing Pages page, you can

  • View a list of your landing pages.
  • Scroll through thumbnails of landing pages.
  • Narrow down the Landing Pages List by searching for text contained in a landing page name.
  • Add, copy, edit, delete, or unpublish landing pages.

Viewing the Landing Pages Page

In the left navigation bar, click Content Management > Landing Pages.

A list of landing pages is displayed.

Refer to the following table to understand what each column means:

Column Description
View How many times the page was viewed.
Conversions How many times the goal of the page was achieved (for example, someone filled out and submitted a form).
Conversation Rate What percentage of people who viewed the page converted.
  • Draft: The page is not currently published. If you publish a page and then unpublish it, it goes back to this status.
  • Published: The page is currently published.
  • Pending Republish: The page is currently published, but you made updates and have not republished the updated version.
Last Updated The date and time the page was last updated.

From the Landing Pages List page, you can do the following:

Task Action

View the thumbnail of a landing page

Click on the icon of the desired landing page to preview the page.

Create a new landing page

Click the button.


Before you create a landing page, you should set up domain masking.

You can also set up the domain by clicking on . In the Domains page, click on .

For more information, see Creating a New Landing Page.

Edit a landing page

Select the landing page in the Landing Pages list and click the Edit button.

Sort a landing page list

Click the name of the column you want to sort by.

View only landing pages with names Containing Specific Text

  1. In the Search field, type the desired text.
  2. Click the Search button.