Finding Campaigns
The View All Campaigns section defaults to showing all campaigns, active or not, which have been created as direct sub-sites for this community. These are displayed in multiple pages when there are more than five.
Click on any campaign's name to go to that campaign's site. This list can be filtered by campaign status and by search terms.
View All Campaign
To see a list of all active campaigns without any inactive ones, set the dropdown control to Open. A campaign must have either voting enabled or idea submission enabled to be in this list (or both). If it has start and end dates, the current date must be between these as well.
Campaigns with a start date that has not yet arrived appear when you select Scheduled.
All other campaigns appear when you select Closed. Specifically, a campaign appears under this filter when matching any of the following descriptions:
- a) voting or idea submittal are enabled, but it has an end date which has passed;
- b) voting and idea submittal are both disabled, and it has a start date which has passed;
- c) voting and idea submittal are both disabled, and it has no start or end dates.
In each of the above three filters, campaigns are listed in alphabetical order. In the default All filter, open campaigns are listed first (alphabetically), followed by closed campaigns, then followed by scheduled campaigns.
Whichever of these four filters is selected, you can further narrow down the list of campaigns using the search box.
For each search keyword entered, a campaign must have at least one word in its name beginning with that keyword if it is to display.
For example:
In this example, both Feature Priorities and Product Support Materials appear in the results because they each have a word beginning with the letters "Pr". A campaign named Good Compromises would not show in these results even though the word "compromises" contains the letter pair "pr", because these letters do not appear at the start of a word.
If we add another search keyword to our search, we can narrow the list down further:
Feature Priorities is eliminated because none of its words begins with "Mat", but "Product Support Materials" is still a match.
Keyword searches don't match to "noise words" such as "for" and "and".
In the following search on the keyword "For", "Ideas For Making Sales" is not a match because it is treated as if its name is Ideas Making Sales - the noise word "For" is not counted. "Ideas For Good Fortune" still matches, because the word "Fortune" is matched.