Create Item and Update Fields Workflow Action

  1. From the Document Control group on the Workflow Actions Bar select Create Item and Update Fields and drag it to the drop zone on the design canvas.
  2. Select Configure from the action’s menu.
  3. Identify where the new item will be created by selecting a library from the menu.
  4. Specify whether to allow an existing item to be overwritten.
  5. Select the Content Type to be applied to the document from the menu.
  6. Configure the fields to be updated.
    • Select a Field from the “Field” menu to identify a field to be updated.
    • Configure the source of the value that will be used to update the field. The options are:

      Value - presents an open textbox where the literal or variable is entered.

      The Value textbox is configured based upon the type of column the Field belongs to. For example, if the field is a Person or Group field, a people picker is provided. If the field is a date field, a calendar lookup is provided, etc.

    • Workflow Data – presents a drop down menu with the Workflow Variables created for this workflow.
    • List Lookup – presents an expandable Lookup section that allows you to search on the Current Item or on other lists or libraries.

      Current Item search will provide a drop down menu with the fields associated with the current item being processed.

      For other lists or libraries, the system presents an advanced lookup section that provides conditional value assignment.

    • Workflow Context – presents a drop down menu with the workflow specific fields, such as Item URL.
  7. Repeat the previous step until all fields have been configured.
  8. Click on the "Save" button.
If the Initiating user of the workflow does not have read permissions, the workflow may error. This is because the workflow is running as the user and requires the ability to read the list item.