Uninstalling Aurea Social

When to uninstall

Uninstall Aurea Social only when you are completely done using the product.

You should not uninstall Aurea Social unless you are done using the product. If your intention is to upgrade, use the upgrade path instead. For further details, see the Updating (Upgrading) Aurea Social.

This is because, even though you may have kept your content databases when uninstalling, after reinstall you have to manually activate the Community Web feature in every existing community if you want community list events to appear in the community event stream.

You also have to re-activate the Integration feature on any lists that are not part of a community for which you want events appearing in the activity stream.

When upgrading Aurea Social (versus choosing an uninstall/reinstall sequence), the event receivers that these features attach are kept, so no feature re-activations are necessary.

Below are the information related to uninstalling Aurea Social: