Version 3.5 includes all methods present in 3.0, with the following changes. 3.5 also includes new methods that deliver pared down data for faster response times needed on mobile devices. Lookout tiles are included in this version.
Former method:
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc/?filter={filter}&filterData={filterData}&pagingToken={pagingToken} - Gets the feed for the logged in user.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc/?filter={filter}&filterData={filterData}&pagingToken={pagingToken}&setLV={setLV} - Gets the feed for the logged in user. If filter = Tile, setLV defaults to true if not provided. This sets the tile's last viewed date to the current time and essentially reset the unviewed counts.
Former method:
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc/Notifications/?max={max} - Gets currently logged in user's notifications.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc/Notifications/?max={max}&rollup={rollup}&markRead={markRead} - Gets currently logged in user's notifications.
New in 3.5
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc/Community/m/?filter={filter}&filterData={filterData}&pagingToken={pagingToken} - Gets the slim/mobile friendly feed for the given community, url is context sensitive.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc/Context/m/{contextId}/?filter={filter}&filterData={filterData}&pagingToken={pagingToken} - Gets the slim/mobile friendly feed for the given context.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc /Dashboard/?tileId={tileId}&pagingToken={pagingToken}&all={all} - Gets the lookout dashboard. If all=true, this returns the default newsfeed, top communities and top colleagues.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc /Tiles/ - Gets the lookout tiles for the current user.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc /Dashboard/settings/ - Gets branding and system settings for lookout mobile client.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc /Localize/?culture={culture} - Gets culture resource for lookout mobile client.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc /Localize/{resource}/?culture={culture}&assmName={assmName} - Gets culture resource for lookout mobile client.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc /Sync/?filter={filter}&filterData={filterData}&syncDate={syncDate}&setLV={setLV} - Gets the latest items in a feed for the logged in user using the syncDate provided. A maximum of 100 new items is returned. If filter = Tile, setLV defaults to true if not provided. This sets the tile's last viewed date to the current time and essentially reset the unviewed counts.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc /Sync/m/?filter={filter}&filterData={filterData}&syncDate={syncDate}&setLV={setLV} - Gets the latest items in a trimmed down/mobile friendly feed for the logged in user using the syncDate provided. A maximum of 100 new items are returned. If filter = Tile, setLV defaults to true if not provided. This sets the tile's last viewed date to the current time and essentially reset the unviewed counts.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc /Sync/Community/?filter={filter}&filterData={filterData}&syncDate={syncDate} - Gets the latest items in a feed for the given community using the syncDate provided, url is context sensitive. A maximum of 100 new items are returned.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc /Sync/Community/m/?filter={filter}&filterData={filterData}&syncDate={syncDate} - Gets the latest items in a trimmed down/mobile friendly feed for the given community using the syncDate provided, url is context sensitive. A maximum of 100 new items are returned.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc /Sync/Context/{contextId}/?filter={filter}&filterData={filterData}&syncDate={syncDate} - Gets the latest items in a feed for the given context using the syncDate provided. A maximum of 100 new items are returned.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc /Sync/Context/m/{contextId}/?filter={filter}&filterData={filterData}&syncDate={syncDate} - Gets the latest items in a trimmed down/mobile friendly feed for the given context using the syncDate provided. A maximum of 100 new items are returned.
POST Methods
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc/Community/{identifier}/Ask/ - Submits a microblog to a communities activity stream.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc/Notification/Viewed/{noteId}/ - Sets a notification as viewed.
/_vti_bin/ng/Client.svc /Tile/LastViewed/{tileId}/ - Sets the last viewed date for a tile to the current time.