Cleanup / retention
The News Stream module keeps a log of every attempt at retrieving content from a feed. The older content in this Feed Retrieval History must be regularly purged or else the log would grow quite large over time. This is what the NewsGator News Retrieval History Cleanup Job does.
If you are no longer running the NewsGator News Retrieval job, this job can be stopped as well.
By default, the last 30 days of the Feed Retrieval History are kept at any time. This number of days for which this job retains each article can be changed using the first box of the Job Configuration section.
The NewsGator News Stream - Activity Event Cleanup Job deletes old feed content, as well as any “lookup” items that reference that content. In other words, it deletes articles synopses from subscribed feeds, and data about each article such as the author and any tags on it or links. It also deletes the information used when a user clicks Expand in one of the activity stream events that alerts a user to new articles:
Click Collapse
This is the information that connects the stream event to the multiple downloaded articles that it lists. If one of these stream events still exists but the articles that it references are gone, deleting this information prevents attempts to retrieve and display the non-existent article synopses when the user clicks Expand.
The Days to keep event lookup items setting determines how long feed content and the lookup data that references it are kept before this job cleans them up. A shorter time here increases the chance that a user looking at an older alert to new articles in their stream does not see the articles listed upon expanding that alert.
A longer time here increases the percentage of article sysnopses in your News Stream database that aren’t pointed to by any News Stream alerts in the Activity Stream.
If you are no longer running the NewsGator News Retrieval job, this one can be stopped as well.