
This topic has information on how to specify additional parameters to control the behavior of lists and sub-lists.

The listParams and subListParams arguments allow you to specify additional parameters to control the behavior of lists and sub-lists.


<Name>,<Value>;<Name2>,<Value2>; etc.



To use listParams with JavaScript in a form, use the syntax oParameter.ListParams = "singleClickEdit,true"; (no spaces inside the quotes).

Note: If not stated otherwise, the parameters described in this chapter can be used for configuring both lists and sub-lists.
Note: Since lists are also used in contexts other than the Search action template, some parameters are only useful when applied to these other contexts.

Use the Web Configuration parameters List.ListParams and List.SubList.ListParams to define global settings applying to all lists/sub-lists. For further details, see List.ListParams/List.SubList.ListParams.

The ListParams action supports the following input arguments:


If set to false, users cannot change the order of list columns.


If set to false, users cannot resize list columns.


If set to false, users cannot switch to Edit mode by "slow double-click".


If set to false, users cannot sort the list.


If set to true, the first list row is automatically selected.


If set to true, the search is immediately executed when the user updates a filter in the search mask. It is dependent upon on the autoSearch search action parameter and is active only when the autoSearch function is set to true.

This parameter can be applied to an action template and specific search masks. It can also be applied globally using the Web Configuration parameters List.ListParams to define global settings across all lists. For more information, see List.ListParams/List.SubList.ListParams.

Default = false


If set to true, lists are cached on the client. This allows results to be sorted by decoded fields (Z-fields). Example - the company or person link fields in the Target Group (Marketing Activity) info area.

In addition, since all results are transferred to the client, the total number of matches is displayed in the search results header (example - "1 - 10 of 54") thus overruling the showCount setting. For further details, see showCount.

Note: Use cachedMode,true only if your users really need this kind of sorting which is not supported by the server. When a list is cached on the client, you cannot selectively export data since the server does not know about the client's sorting. In addition, with client-side caching enabled, all search results are transferred to the client at once. Thus, only activate this feature for info areas where you are sure that searches returns a limited number of results.

If a user changes the sorting of a list cached on the client, changes are not applied immediately. In that case the search needs to be started again.

In UPDATE_DEFAULT cachedMode is set to true for the Target Group (Marketing Activity) info area (AG) (Search action defined for menu A_GotoAG).


If set to false, records cannot be edited in a list. If set to true, the list is editable, also in processes.

Default: true for "standard" lists, false for lists within processes.


If set to true, the list height shrinks to its actual size depending on the number of result records. If set to, the list keeps its size regardless of the actual number of displayed records.


A list containing two result rows and max. Records per page is set to 10:

  • collapseInvisibleRows,true results in a list that is 2 rows high
  • collapseInvisibleRows,false results in a list that is 10 rows high.

Default: false


Use this parameter to execute another than the default action, when the user double-clicks a row. You can:

  • specify the name of a menu action. Example - A_ExpandTree
  • specify the name of a custom JavaScript function


Defines the field group to be used.

Note: Using this parameter is only recommended for pages other than the Search action template.


Determines the width of the list header. This overwrites default. You need to specify the measuring unit and a ";" at the end.






If set to true, the text of the list header is hidden.

To hide all elements of a list header, arrow buttons, direct buttons and header text, enter showPaging,false;showButtons,false;hideCaption,true.


If set to true, the first column of the list containing the Quick View, Context Menu and Minidetails buttons, or Save and Cancel when in Edit mode is hidden.


If set to true, conditional field rights are represented in the user interface, which means:

  • Conditional Field Rights - Deny Access: If data is not accessible, the label for the field is displayed but the field value is locked.
  • Conditional Field Rights - Deny Update: If data is not editable, the field is displayed as read only.

For lists, the display of conditional field rights is enabled by default.

Note: includeConditionalRights is set to true for lists on quick add pages by default and cannot be changed. For further details, see SerialEntry.
Note: Important information regarding includeConditionalRights and Performance:
  • Conditional field rights affects the performance of list creation (because for each record in the list, an extra round-trip to the server is required). Thus, Aurea recommends disabling the display of conditional field rights in case you have unexpected performance degrade when loading large amount of data. To do so, add includeConditionalRights,false to the listParams argument of the Search action and/or to the corresponding header definition for sub-lists.
  • Conditional field rights are applied in any case, independent of their representation in the user interface using the above-mentioned parameter, i.e. if includeConditionalRights is set to false, the user cannot save field values in fields where conditional field rights apply.
  • To set the includeConditionalRights parameter, when you are using SearchView widget on a Form, go to “SearchView -> resultModel” to find and set the parameter.


Determines which sub-list tab is active when a page is initially called. You can specify either the tab number (0-based) or the info area ID: initialTab,3 activates the fourth sub-list tab upon opening the page, initialTab,MA activates the Activities sub-list.

Note: This parameter is intended for search sub-lists only. For sub-lists in Expand views you need to use the initialSubListTab action parameter. For further details, see initialSubListTab.
Note: It is recommended to specify the info area ID instead of the tab number since this continues to work even if the tab order is changed at some later point in the project.


Set maxRows,<number> to define the maximum number of records shown in a sub-list. For further details, see Related Data area (Header Info Areas). If maxRows is defined in a header, the Web Configuration parameter Search.MaxResults does not have any effect. For further details, see Search.MaxResults.

Note: This parameter is intended for sub-lists only.


Determines if users can select multiple rows from the list and thus perform action on multiple list items at once. The following values are available:

  • Single: Selecting multiple list items is disabled.
  • Multi: Selecting multiple list items is enabled.

Default: Multi


If set to false, the buttons in the list header are not displayed.


Allows the number of search results to be displayed. If more records than specified with showCount are found, the user is informed that more than <limit> results exist. Example - "Search Results 1 – 10 of > 100".

Specify showCount,<limit> (example - showCount,50) in the ListParams of any desired list or sub-list or globally using the List.ListParams/List.SubList.ListParams Web Configuration parameters. For further details, see List.ListParams/List.SubList.ListParams.

In UPDATE_DEFAULT showCount is globally set to "50" via the List.ListParams Web Configuration parameter.

Note: The maximum limit is showCount,100. If a larger number is specified, 100 is used as the limit and a message is written to the client log.
Note: Performance considerations: To determine the number of search results, <limit> records are read for each search even if only, say, 10 records are displayed to the user. If you experience performance issues using this feature, try lowering the limit.


If set to true, link fields pointing to other info areas are displayed as hyperlinks in lists.

Default: true


If set to true, the Display Menu button is displayed in sub-list rows calling the context menu defined in the Search&List configuration, fallback: InfoArea Default-Menu from the info area's default Expand configuration. If set to false, the Display Menu button is hidden, i.e. no context menu can be displayed for sub-list rows.

Specify showMenu,<MenuName> to display another than the default context menu (example - showMenu,M_Person).


If set to false, the Display Details button is hidden from the sub-list row, i.e. no MiniDetails can be displayed for sub-list rows.


Determines the display of number of records plus arrow buttons to browse through the list. By default, number of records plus arrow buttons are hidden. Available values:

  • showPaging,true: The number of records plus arrow buttons are displayed above and below the list.
  • showPaging,top: The paging is displayed only above the list.
  • showPaging,bottom: The paging is displayed only below the list.
Note: If defined as listParam, only true,false and bottom are supported.

To show the paging for query snapshots:

You need to define listparams = showPaging,true; directly in the QueryResultSetOpen action used by A_QueryResultSetRun in UPDATE_DEFAULT. The List.ListParams Web Configuration parameter is not taken into account by the QueryResultSetOpen action.


If set to false, the QuickView button is hidden from the sub-list row.

Define showQuickViewAction,false in the List.SubList.ListParams Web Configuration parameter to hide the QuickView button from the Parent Data list.


If set to true, the sum total of the list is displayed immediately when opening a Search page.

Condition for showing the sum total: At least one result with at least one field that can be totaled is returned. The field has to be of data type S or L without the "no sum" property being set in the data model.

Values are summed per page. If a value is changed, the sum total is recalculated immediately.

In UPDATE_DEFAULT showSumLine is set to true for the Offer and Order info areas (menu actions ID_NET_OFFER and ID_NET_ORDER_SEARCH).


If set to true, users can switch to the list's Edit mode with a single click instead of the default double click.


Determines whether virtual info areas are used for context menus of list rows (static | dynamic). For further details, see virtualInfoAreaReadMode.