Handling replies automatically

Receiving every message that comes in can be time-consuming. Many replies you will receive are auto-replies, messages generated automatically by some list members informing you that they are unavailable ("I'm out of the office").

These typically indicate that no actual contact with the customer has been made. You can use reply handling to detect if a reply is an auto-reply and, if so, ignore it or have it forwarded to an email address you select.

The Automatic Reply Handling Segment searches the subject or body of a reply for typical auto-reply phrases; if it finds a match, that reply is filtered.

Task Action
Enabling reply handling

In the Reply Handling section, change the Reply-To-Address address to the address listed in the NOTE under Automatic Reply Handling Segment.

Changing the address, name and subject you See for a reply forwarded to you from EmailLabs

In the Forward from Address, Forward from Name, and Forward Subject boxes, select the text and change it to the desired information.

Changing the form in which a reply is forward to you

Click one of the options under the Forward Subject box.

You can choose to have the reply arrive inside a forwarded email, as an attachment to it, or looking like it came directly from your customer (this last option is useful if you have a support group or CRM automatically handling replies).

Ignoring all autoreplies

In the Action box next to AutoReply, click Ignore all that match segment.

Viewing the list of autoreply phrases the segment looks for

Click the Edit Segment command for AutoReply. In the Reply Segments window, the phrases are listed under Match Value.

Creating a custom matching phrase
  1. In the Reply Segments window, click the Add a new segment box and select the search area you want.
  • Subject: The segment searches the subject line of the autoreply for matching text.
  • Body: The segment searches the first ten lines of the autoreply for matching text.
  1. Click in the text box and type the desired phrase.
  2. Upon completion, click Submit.
Deleting a custom matching phrase

Click the Delete command for the phrase you want.

Forwarding auto-replies to an email address of your choice
  1. Select Forward all to.
  2. To change the email address listed, select the text in the Forward all to box and type the desired email address.
Filtering unsubscribe requests

This is useful for customers who send a reply containing an unsubscribe phrase in the subject or body.

In the Action box next to Unsubscribe, click Unsubscribe all that match segment.

Viewing the list of unsubscribe phrases the segment looks for

Click the Edit Segment command for Unsubscribe. In the Reply Segments window, the phrases are listed under Match Value.


  • Responses that match the unsubscribe segment are automatically removed from your active mailing list.
  • Unsubscribe messages that are forwarded to you are not processed by EmailLabs; they remain on the active mailing list. You must take additional steps to unsubscribe them.
Creating a custom matching phrase
  1. In the Reply Segments window, click the Add a new segment box and select the desired search area.
  • Subject: The segment searches the subject line of the auto-response for matching text.
  • Body: The segment searches the first ten lines of the auto-response for matching text.
  1. Click in the text box and type the desired phrase.
  2. Upon completion, click Submit.
Deleting a custom matching phrase

Click the Delete command for the desired phrase.

Forwarding unsubscribe requests to an email address of your choice
  1. Select Forward all to.
  2. To change the email address listed, select the text in the Forward all to box and type the desired email address.
Specifying the forwarding address for Replies that do not match the autoReply or unsubscribe segments

Select the text in the Forward to Address box and type the desired email address.