Viewing your member records

To view member records, in the left navigation bar, click View Records.

The Active Members list appears. This list displays members who have not bounced or unsubscribed and are currently receiving all messages you send.

You can access five other lists from this page:

  • Proof List: A subset of addresses from the Active Members List. You can use this list for testing purposes: send a message to the Proof List, obtain feedback, make any desired changes, and then send the message to the full Active Members List.
  • Unsubscribed: Members on this list who have chosen to unsubscribe and are not currently being sent messages.
  • Bounced: Messages sent to these members have bounced back, so their current status is inactive. You can change bounce settings on the list settings page to determine when a member is added to this list.
  • Admin Trash: Contains members that the administrator has manually moved to the inactive (trash) list.
  • All Trashed: Displays all inactive members, including unsubscribed and bounced. After a member is deleted from the Trashed list, that member cannot be reinstated. If you have double opt-in confirmation enabled members who have opted in from your Web site and are waiting to be confirmed will show up only in All Trashed.

Proof list members are immune from unsubscribe. The only way to unsubscribe them is to manually change their status.