Add the Template to the Multiple Site Collection Templates

The administrator can now add the workspace template to the Multiple Site Collection Templates to make it available for selection when a user adds a new clinical trial.

To add the new workspace template, the administrator will:

  1. Access the Central Administrative site and click on the Central Administration link in the quick launch bar.
  2. Click the link for Multiple Site Collection Configuration under the NextDocs Administration section. If the correct hub is not displayed, change to the correct hub.
  3. On the Multiple Site Collection Configuration page, scroll down and click the link for Manage Multiple Site Collection Templates.
  4. Select the new site collection from the available templates on the left and add it to the list of templates in use on the right.
    Tip: To display the complete name of the template, hover over the selected template. Note that if you are using Internet Explorer 8, the hover text displayed may not be accurate.
  5. Click the “Submit” button.
  6. Connect to the Central Administrative server either directly or via Remote Connection.
  7. Click on the Windows Start Button.
  8. Select “All Programs” then Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.
  9. Right click on SharePoint2010 Management Shell and choose “Run as Administrator”.
  10. Enter the following commands on the indicated lines:
    • On Line 1 enter: $web=Get-SPWeb <Template URL> substituting the Workspace Template for <Template URL> and hit Enter.
    • On Line 2 enter: $ ("parentsitecollectionurl_default","<Hub URL>") substituting the Hub URL for <Hub URL> and hit Enter.
    • On Line 3 enter: $ and hit Enter.

      Note – typing $ at this point will list the properties on the screen so you can see if they are what you expected.

    • Line 4 enter: $web.dispose() and hit Enter.