Defining a Basic Quick Add

Learn how to define a basic quick add.

To define a basic quick add:

  1. You need to assign the SerialEntry action to either a button or context menu action, see SerialEntry.
  2. You need to define at least the following input arguments for the SerialEntry action call:
    • EditType
    • RecordId
    • SourceConfigName
    • DestinationConfigName

Source Field Group

Define the source field group that is referenced in the SourceConfigName input argument of the SerialEntry action call.

Example: The List control of the default ARSerialEntry field group:

The fields are displayed in the quick add on the left of each row of the list.

You can define that these values are handed over to the destination record by assigning the following Function names:



Item Name


Item No.


All functions starting with Copy are copied to a field in the destination field group that needs the same function assigned.

Destination Field Group

The default configuration contains the UPSerialEntry field group that defines the destination records. Its Edit control defines the fields that users can enter when they switch to the quick add's Edit mode and the given data is stored in this info area.

Ensure that the following Functions are assigned to the following fields:

Field Function





Item No.


Item Description


End Price






Discount vol. in kind


Available Functions in the Standard Quick Add

The following Functions can be assigned to fields in field groups:

Function Description

CopyItemNumber / CopyItemName

Data from the source field group is copied to the destination field group from and to the fields that have these functions assigned.

Note: If you do not use the copy functions, the Item Number field needs to be entered manually for the UP records, as the AR link does not work correctly in the order entry quick add.


Allows to specify a fixed value, e.g. FixedValue :3 or FixedValue:"<string>".


Defines that the specified step size for the items quantity is applied.


Defines that a Boolean value can be edited in lists. If not set (for each field), they can only be edited in the Details view.


Defines the quantity field needed for pricing, step size and more.


Defines the field for the free goods (needed for pricing).


UnitPrice multiplied by Quantity.


Base price of an item.


EndPrice minus discount.


Defines the currency field.


If this field is not set to ServerApprove :true, the fields with the UnitPrice + NetPrice Functions assigned are displayed in italic.

The fields that have the Quantity, Discount, and FreeGoods functions assigned are the fields where the user can enter data.

The EndPrice, UnitPrice, NetPrice, Currency, ServerApproved,and StepSize functions define functions that are specific to the order's quick add.

Functions required for entering data in a PDF file:

Function Description


Defines that an image from the source's root info area is displayed.


This field is used to match-up the records from the PDF with the database.

Functions required for the quota calculation:

Function Description


Optional. Defines the quota for a specific time period for an item and overrides the default settings specified for the Configuration :Quota action call (if the field exists and its value is < 0).


Defines the number of items of the current time period that are still available


Defines the time period's end.


Defines the time period as calendar year (if the field with EndDate assigned does not contain a valid date).


Optional. If the CalendarYearPeriods was defined in the Configuration :Quota action call, this field is used to calculate the end of the previous time period.


If a field has this function assigned and its value is either empty or 0, samples can be issued without limit. If its value is < 0, the maximum number of issued samples is limited to the field's value.

Field Attributes for the Quick Add

The following field attributes apply to the quick add:

  • Hide Field: If set, the field is not displayed in the application.
  • Don't save: The field is only stored locally (i.e. it is not transferred to the server). For example: If no server connection is available, you may still want to display the result of a pricing calculation. If transferred to the server, this result can influence the business logic applied on the server.
  • Don't save offline: The field is not stored at all, neither on- nor offline.
  • Empty line: Defines whether a destination record can be deleted. If at least one field has the Empty line attribute assigned and all fields that have the Empty line attribute assigned are empty (or 0 - if it is a numeric field), the record is deleted.
  • Image: If set (in the source's root info area), the field's content is displayed as an image in the quick add.

Adding Images to the Quick Add

If a field in the source info area's List control has the Image field attribute set or the SourceImage Function assigned, the field's content is displayed as an image.

Adding PDF Files to the Quick Add

You can also use PDF files to select items from the quick add. If defined accordingly, the items can be selected with the following icon:

To define that PDF files are "clickable":

  1. Open the desired PDF file in Acrobat Reader.
  2. Switch to the Comments tab.
  3. Select the "clickable" area.
    Note: Always select a rectangle as "clickable" area. You can use different shapes, but only rectangles within these shapes can be defined for input.
  4. Enter one of the following commands in the comment:
    Command Description

    <ItemNumber> or

    {"ItemNumber":<ItemNumber>} or


    Opens the Details view and increases the quantity by the specified step size.
    {"ItemNumber":<ItemNumber>,"StepMode":"noop"} Opens the Details view without changing the quantity.
    {"ItemNumber":<ItemNumber>,"StepMode":"inc", "StepSize":"10"} Opens the Details view and increases the quantity by 10.
    {"ItemNumber":<ItemNumber>,"StepMode":"set", "StepSize":"10"} Opens the Details view and sets the quantity to 10.
    {"ItemNumber":<ItemNumber>,"StepMode":"delete"} Removes the item from the shopping cart.
    {"ItemNumber":<ItemNumber>, "pdfHIColor":"#00FF0045"} The barcode that is "clickable" is highlighted with the color given in hex format.

    Replace <ItemNumber> by the value that you want to hand over to the field that has the CopyItemNumber function assigned (usually the item number).

    Example: {"ItemNumber": "11203","StepMode":"inc"}

    Note: Always enter a string value as item number. Therefore, the above example does not work if you enter {"ItemNumber":11203,"StepMode":"inc"}, even if an integer field is referenced.
  5. Enter the name of a Search&List configuration (defined in the D1 info area) in the ProductCatalogSource input argument of the SerialEntry action call. This Search&List configuration defines the icon of the button that is displayed in the quick add and the filter applied to limit the number of available documents.

Info Panel

You can define that additional information is displayed for the current record in the quick add:

Define the InfoPanelDefinition input argument in the SerialEntry action call if you want to add an info panel, , see SerialEntry.

Info Panel Search&List Configuration

You can define a Search&List configuration that determines

  • the filter that limits the number of displayed records.
  • the info panel's display text.
  • the info panel's header.

Enter this Search&List configuration's name in the SourceCopyFieldGroup input argument of the SerialEntry action call.


This Search&List configuration references the following configuration units:

  • List Control of the UPInfoPanel field group:

  • UP.InfoPanel filter: The following example defines that order items are only listed for the current company if the order has the current or an earlier date assigned.

    The filter's Display Text (in this example "Order History") is displayed in CRM.pad as the info panel's header.

    The filter's parameters must exist in the List control of the referenced field group (specified in the SourceCopyFieldGroup input argument of the SerialEntry action call) and must have the required Functions assigned, e. g. in the AUCopyFields' List control:

    Field Function
    FI-StatNo (0) FIStaNo
    FI-SerNo (1) FISerNo
    Date (6) OrderDate

Quick Add Overview

In landscape mode, the quick add overview is also be displayed.

You can define whether it is displayed on the left or right side, see Show Quick Add Overview on the left option in the iPad Settings, see Overruling Default Log Settings in the iPad Settings.

The fields displayed are defined in Details control of the field group that is referenced in the Search&List configuration specified in the SerialEntry action call's DestinationRootConfig input argument. If this field group does not exist, the Details control of the info area with the same name than the info area is applied.

Only the fields (without field labels) are displayed, empty fields are ignored. The displayed icon is the defined info area icon (of the first field). You can override the defined image with the ParenInfoImage control attribute, see ParentInfoImage.

Filtering Items

You can define filters that limit the number of displayed items by specifying the available filters in the following input arguments in the SerialEntry action call, see SerialEntry:

  • Filter1 to Filter6 (only for fixed filters without parameters).
  • PositionFilter1 to PositionFilter4: Filters requiring parameter input can be given.
  • PositionAdditionalFilters: Max. four filters can be entered, separated by semicolon. Filters requiring parameter input can be given.
  • HierarchicalPositionFilter: The provided filters are hierarchically combined from the left to the right. If a filter is set by the user, all filters to the right are reset.

If one of the PositionFilter/PositionAdditionalFilters arguments is specified, filters entered in Filter1 to Filter6 are available in a pop-up.

Ensure that fields used as parameter criteria in filters exist in the List control of the specified SourceConfigName input argument. They must also have the required functions assigned. You can define the Hidden field attribute to prevent them from being displayed in the application.

Destination Child Records

In addition to create a record in the defined destination info area, you can also create several child records for this destination record (i.e. 1:n links).

Example: An order in CRM.pad LSI can have several delivery dates (LD, 1:n links to AU). When the user enters data in the quick add, a delivery date item (LP, 1:n links to LD and UP) is created.

The following example shows how the data is displayed:

Define the following input arguments in the SerialEntry action call to enable this feature, see SerialEntry:

  • SourceChildConfigName: Name of a Search&List configuration referencing the root's record's child info area.
  • DestinationChildConfigName: Name of the field group that contains the Edit control used by the quick add.

Example: Destination Child Record Field Group

he following example shows a destination child field group:

Add the Quantity field and assign the Quantity Function. This function hands the total of all destination child values over to the Quantity field in the destination info area.

Define the Label field by entering Quantity {1} {2}:

  • {1} numbers all the fields of the child's field group controls.
  • {2} is replaced with the value of the (first) field from the root's child record.

The following image shows two (numbered) Quantity fields. The delivery date displayed in brackets (as defined in the field group's label in the image above) shows the delivery dates. This data is read from the List control of the field group specified in the SourceChildConfigName input argument of the SerialEntry action call (in this example, the delivery dates):

Destination Parent Records

Source parent records are used for product detailing definition (SR). A product detailing record consists of several product detailing items (SP). Each SP record references an item master (AR) record.

Example: Several product detailing records were assigned to a rep. When the rep opens the quick add, not only a product detailing item (BG) record is created per item, but also a product detailing (BE) record.

Define the following input arguments in the SerialEntry action call, see SerialEntry:

  • SourceParentInfoAreaId
  • DestinationParentConfigName

Adding POS Items Automatically

You can define that POS items are automatically added specifying the Options input argument for the SerialEntry action template by entering the following JSON string:

{"autoCreatePositions" :true }

The following additional options are available:

  • "autoCreateDoNotAsk":true: No message box is displayed; the records are created without delay
  • " autoCreateMessage :"mytexts:0": Message box text (you can use the %d parameter to display the number of created records).
  • "autoCreateMessageHeadline":"mytexts:1": Message box headline

The format for referencing texts is <clientTextgroupsuffix >: <Text Index>. The text group must be named in CRM.designer as follows: smartbook:<clientTextgroupsuffix>


{"autoCreatePositions" :true , "autoCreateMessage":"mytexts:0", "autoCreateMessageHeadline":"mytexts:1"}