
You can define that Aurea CRM's pricing business logic is also available for the order quick add, not only in online but also in offline mode.

The pricing business logic needs:

  1. A price list containing the list prices for all articles defined in Aurea CRM win.
  2. An optional pricing condition information (defined in conditions)
  3. An optional pricing condition information for special offers (defined in the Special Offers or Special Offer Scales)
  4. An optional pricing condition information for the linked account (defined in the Account Conditions)
  5. An optional bundle pricing condition information for special offers (defined in the Special Offer Bundles or Special Offer Bundle Scales)

Offline pricing works as follows:

  1. Does a special offer pricing condition exist?
  2. If (1) is yes, does a bundle pricing exist?
  3. If (1) is no, does an account pricing condition exist?
  4. If (1) and (3) are no, does a standard pricing condition exist?
  5. If (1) or (3) or (4) is yes, apply the conditions.
  6. If the condition does not return a fixed price, use the price from the price list.

A condition record (KD, AA, FK or FG) is valid, if:

  • It matches with one of the fields listed in the FunctionNameApplyOrder parameter (and the condition is not empty).
  • All fields with function names listed before that name are blank in the condition record.
  • No "more specific" condition records exist.