Login Page

The login page allows the user to log on to the application.

The user can select the following options in the (Settings):

  • Switch between online and offline Mode
  • View the log file and send it to the administrator
  • Change the password.

You cannot add or remove items from the Settings. However, you can:

Adding a Logo or Background Image to the Login Page

You can add your company's logo or another background image to the login page.

As images are part of the configuration, you need to synchronize the configuration in order to display the image. Therefore, when the user logs in for the first time, CRM.pad default logo is displayed.

To add a logo or background picture to the login page:

  1. Copy the picture to the installation and register the image file, see Images.
  2. Define the Web Configuration parameters that define what images are displayed on the login page, see LoginLogo, Login.CustomBackgroundImage and Login.InsightBoard.
  3. Define the Web Configuration parameters that determine how the background image is displayed, see Login.DisableBlurredBackground, Login.Fullscreen and Login.FullscreenAlpha.
    Note: If all three Web Configuration parameters are set to their default values, they are ignored.
  4. Carry out a full synchronization.

Adding an Insight Board to the Login Page

You can define that an Insight Board is also displayed on the login page.

The items assigned to this Insight Board must have an alternative context menu assigned (ContextMenu argument in the InsightBoardItem action call, see InsightBoardItem).

Note: The alternative context menu is restricted to items having the WebView action assigned with the ReportType argument set to "Url". A tutorial can be assigned by adding %tutorial% to the value of the Url argument.