Barcode Scanner

You can also use external barcode scanning devices or iPad's camera to add items (instead of using the keyboard).

To enable the barcode scanner:

  1. Set the ScanMode input argument of the SerialEntry action call to true:

    An additional button () is displayed. The user can turn the scan mode on or off with this button.

  2. If you want to use iPad's camera, enable the SoftScannerEnabled Web Configuration parameter, see SoftScannerEnabled.
Note: The SerialEntry action template's DestinationConfigName and DestinationChildConfigName input arguments determine the field group that is searched for a field with the Value function assigned. If a field of the same field group has the StepSize function assigned, the value of this field is used as step size (i.e. number of items) each time an article is scanned.

The user can tap on the button to enable the scan mode. The quick add switches to the shopping cart. As soon as a code is scanned the corresponding article is automatically referenced. The keyboard is not available as long as the scan mode is active.

Most barcode scanner devices can be set to stand-by mode (temporarily). In this case, the scan mode is still active, but the keyboard is displayed and the user can enter values manually. If the device is enabled again, the keyboard is closed and locked again.

You can define barcode commands in order to be able to navigate without keyboard:

  • By creating custom commands to enter values. These command codes start with % followed by the value to be entered, e.g. %3 enters the value 3 in the current field. You can also enter multiple digits in one field by e.g. scanning %3 and %1 to enter the value 31.
  • By setting Boolean fields with the barcode scanner:
    • %Boolfield1%1 sets the logical (Boolean) field that has the Boolfield1 function assigned is set to true.
    • %Boolfield1%0 sets the field is set to false.
  • To navigate by barcodes you can use the following commands:
    • clear: Clears the current field.
    • delete: Deletes the current record.
    • next: Moves to the next field.
    • previous: Moves to the previous field.
    • ok: Closes the active record.

Barcode Examples

The following barcodes are examples and were created with the "Code-128" barcode format. Since CRM.pad only interprets a barcode string that has already been decoded and that is sent by the scanning hardware, it actually does not matter which format you use. The scanner only and is only depends on the hardware you are working with.