Contact Times

Learn how user can enter the contact times (like opening hours, call center times, etc).

You need to define the following:

  1. A field group for the CT info area containing a List and an Edit control with the following fields and assigned functions:
    Field Function
    Weekday DAYOFWEEK
    Type TYPE
    Morning From FROM
    Morning To TO
    Afternoon from AFTERNOON FROM
    Afternoon to AFTERNOONTO
    Note: The Type field is a catalog field. Locked values from a catalog are not displayed in the application.
  2. A Search&List for the CT info area
  3. An Expand configuration for the CT info area.
  4. An Edit button for the FI Expand header with the ContactTimesEditView action assigned, see ContactTimesEditView. Enter the Search&List name from step 1 (that references the CT Edit control) as SearchList input argument.
  5. An additional panel of type CONTACTTIMES_<Search&List> (e. g. CONTACTTIMES_CT) in the FI Details control. The Search&List is the one defined in step 1 referencing the CT Edit control.
  6. An Offline Dataset for CT.