Registering the Server

You have to register on the Aurea CRM server to be able to use CRM.pad.

You cannot use CRM.pad unless you register your Aurea CRM web server. The server can be registered either by entering the following URL into Safari, or - if the URL was sent to you by e-mail - by clicking on the link:

crmpad ://configureserver?identification=<IDENT>&name=<NAME>&url=<URL>



  • <IDENT> and <NAME> can be the same. <IDENT> is CRM.pad's internal ID of the server and <NAME> contains the name displayed in the login mask.
  • <URL> contains the server's base URL, usually identical with the Aurea CRM web installation.
  • <AuthenticationType> defines how the Mobile Services server connects to the Aurea CRM web server (ssocredentials, sso, username or revolution), see Authentication.
  • You can also specify the user agent when registering your server. Add the userAgent parameter to the URL, e. g. userAgent=ipad.
  • If you are using MobileIron Sentry, then set the enablemobileiron parameter to true in the URL to ensure that you are able to connect to the CRM Server. For example, enablemobileiron=true. For more details, see MobileIron integration with CRM.pad application.

Defining a Default Registration

If no server has been registered yet, the server is registered automatically with "update" as <NAME>. This is applied in SaaS environments where you do not need to register a server.

If you want to set a default registration that automatically accesses your (in-house) server, you can edit the info.plist file (stored in the Products/Applications/ directory) using XCode. You must sign this file afterwards anew.

Note: You can only define a default registration if the app itself has been signed, for information see see CRM.pad Deployment document that you can download from

To define the default server:

  1. In the info.plist file, the com.update.CRMpad.defaultServer property is set to:

    Change this property accordingly to your server.

  2. You can also define that a user cannot log on to any other server by setting the com.update.CRMpad.defaultServer.force to YES (default value: NO).

Including User Credentials in the Registration

You can also add the user's credentials to the registration URL, e.g. if you want your users to access CRM.pad directly from another app.

If you allow access to CRM.pad directly, the user credentials must always be provided when the user logs in for the first time. The credentials are stored on the device.

The following options are available:

  • username: the user's login name. Must be given if the loginMode option is used.
  • loginMode: Defines how the login is carried out.
    • savepasswordlogin: The password is stored locally and the user is logged in automatically.
    • savepassword: The password is stored locally, but the login screen is displayed. The credentials are pre-filled, but the user must login manually

Example:crmpad://configureserver?identification=CRMpad&name=CRMpad& url=http://myserver/updatecrm&authenticationType=username&username=Seller2&loginMode=savepasswordlogin

Note: Ensure that the Login.SavePasswordAllowed Web Configuration parameter is set, see Login.SavePasswordAllowed.

Displaying the Server Before the First Login

By default, servers to which you can log on to are only available on the login page after your first login.

Add the following to your registration link to register the default server automatically:


Removing the Server

You can remove a registered server by entering the following URL into the browser:

CRMpad :/ /removeServer?name=<NAME>

Replace <NAME> with the server name that you have entered in the name=<NAME> parameter when you registered the server.

Note: removeServer does not remove the local database on the client. If you re-register the server using the same <IDENT> and <NAME> as before, CRM.pad connects to this existing database.

Demo Servers for Industry Solutions

By default, if you did not yet register your own server yet, CRM.pad is automatically registered to Aurea CRM's demo servers of the available industry solutions.

This default setting is replaced by the server you register.

You can use the Login.ShowDemoServer Web Configuration parameter if you want to display Aurea CRM's demo servers in addition to your server, see Login.ShowDemoServer.