Reloading Custom Javascripts in the CRM Client

Learn how to reload custom javascripts from cache in CRM client.

CRM client javascript files are cached in the browser until the CRM application is upgraded to the next version. You can also ensure that your custom CRM Client javascript files are cached in user browser only for the duration of the IIS application pool lifecycle and are forcefully reloaded upon IIS application pool recycle. This is an optional feature and is disabled by default.

To enable this feature enable the <JavaScriptVersioning> parameter in the settings.xml file, see the sample configuration below:

    <JavaScriptVersioning>ApplicationVersion</ JavaScriptVersioning >

ApplicationVersion (default)—ensures that the javascript files are reloaded when their version number changes. Use this option if you do not change the custom javascript frequently.

Note: The javascipt files have the version number in the ApplicationVersion tag. For example, ApplicationVersion: script.js?v10.2.0.

ApplicationStartTime—The start time is set to the time when the application pool is reset. Use this option if you often change your custom javascripts.

Note: The javascipt files have the start time in the ApplicationStartTime tag. For example, ApplicationStartTime: script.js?123456789.