Trigger Action Parameters

Supported trigger Action Parameters.

The Trigger action supports the following input arguments:


The name of the trigger format to be executed.


The uid of an optional record passed to the trigger.


Defines for which records from a list or sub-list the trigger is executed: selected, all or visible.

Optionally, the selection can be further filtered by adding either an info area ID or "Root" in []. Example: selected[Root]

If you specify "Root" only the root record of each row is included in the record set.

If you specify an info area ID, only records belonging to that info area are included in the record set.

Default: selected


Determines the trigger's "context" which is the info area on which the trigger is executed.

Use this parameter if you have specified neither uid nor recordSet. Example it can be used for a trigger that creates a new to-do record, specify infoAreaId = TD.


If set to true, any visible view (list, sub-list, expand) containing records that have been changed by an executed trigger or workflow is refreshed immediately.

Default: true

Note: If a trigger calls another trigger (defined in the currently active rights definition), changes performed by that follow-up trigger may not be immediately reflected in the current view.


This argument defines an optional callback function that is called after the execution of a trigger or workflow.

You can specify:

  • a custom JavaScript function
  • a framework function
  • an inline function


To call a custom JavaScript or framework function enter the function name:


To call an inline function enter the JavaScript code:

javascript:function(sender, args) {alert("this is a trigger callback function");}


A marker parameter for the framework entered automatically if a callback is required for the execution.