Defining an Image and Color Indicator for a Participation Status

By default, the MB.CATALOGAcceptaceImage filter is available in the update.tablet configuration to apply a color and image to a participation status.

The given filters are applied to the specified field in the calendar as well as in Edit and New actions.

The criteria must be defined as follows:

  • Criteria names defining the image displayed must start with the Catalog: prefix, e.g. Catalog :Participationacceptance -open.
  • Criteria defining the color must be values for RGBA in hexadecimal (e.g. #FF0000FF) or floating point (e.g. 1;0;0;1) format. You can also use constants for some colors (e.g. red, blue, green, gray, yellow).
  • Define an image and color for each criterion in the same order than the catalog's field values.