Creating Child Records Automatically

You can create child records automatically with ChildCreateTemplate filters.

These filters are automatically used if they exist in your configuration.

Syntax: <InfoAreaID>.ChildCreateTemplate (where <InfoAreaID> must be replaced with the info area's ID).

You can use this filters to create records in offline mode that would otherwise be created by triggers or the business logic on the server.

These filters can contain the following parameters:

  • Parameter :Offline : The record is only created if the device is offline and is discarded if the device is online again. It is assumed that a server routine creates this record.
  • Parameter :Yield : The record is only created if no other record exists for this info area.
  • Parameter :Sync : Child records that were created on the server (e.g. by a trigger) for a record that was created on the device are also synchronized during the following incremental synchronization, see Synchronization Problems.

    For example, if a MA record is created on the device, the server automatically creates MB records for it. Without this parameter, these MB records are not synchronized unless the user carries out a full synchronization. If you set this parameter, these records are included in every synchronization request. However, this may cause performance issues.

    Note: You cannot combine Parameter Sync with the other options but must enter it in a separate condition on its own due to technical reasons (see example below).
  • Parameter :ParentLink : Defines the link to the parent record. Possible values:
    • true: Uses all links
    • Info area ID or Infoarea#LinkId: To set the desired links manually.