
This action template allows the user to generate the report and also have the customer sign it (e.g. if the report is an order).

In addition to the input arguments available for the ClientReport action template, the following arguments can be specified for ClientReportWithAction:

Input Argument



The field group where the fields you want to copy have been marked accordingly.


Name of a context menu action that calls the DocumentUpload action, see DocumentUpload. In this DocumentUpload call, the DocumentFieldFieldGroup must be given specifying the field in which the generated document (PDF file) is stored.


If set to true, the report is send as attachment.


See SigningConfig Input Argument.


Name of the XML root element. Data is queried in all branches/knots of this root element.


A semicolon-separated list of additional Search&List configurations to be applied.


By default, an order summary is available for the quick add. In the update.tablet configuration, this order summary is based on a report. The XML file for this report must be transferred to the device. To include the XML file to the data transfer, it is handled as an image, as no other resources can be transferred. Therefore, an item (for the order summary: Xsl :OrderSummary) must exist in the Images area of CRM.designer for the XML file.


Name of the button allowing the user to sign the document.


Name of the filter defining whether the button given under ButtonName is displayed.


If set to true, a print button is displayed.

BlockActionsUntilComplete If set to true, it disables user interaction while embedding signature in report.

SigningConfig Input Argument

The SigningConfig input argument defines that an e-mail can only be sent after the report was signed by the customer, e.g. an order.

Default: {}

The following options can be entered in JSON syntax:

  • " sign ":false: Defines that no signature is required.

    Default: true

  • " upload ":false: Defines that the client report is not uploaded to the database. The report is then only attached to the e-mail.

    Default: true

  • emptySignatureName : A comma-separated list of empty signature images. An empty signature image must be given for each required signature.

    Default: Button :PleaseSign .

  • signatureImageTagName : A comma-separated list of XML tags that references the signature images. A tag must be given for each required signature.

    Default: SignatureImage.

  • signatureImageId: Name of the img tag's id attribute in the XSL file.

    Default: img-signature

  • lineWidth: Font width

    Default: 3

  • strokeColor: Font color

    Default: 0;0;1;1 (= blue)

  • imageWidth: Width of the image file containing the signature

    Default: 300 (px)

  • signedReportFileName: Name of the generated PDF file

    Default: SampleReport.pdf

  • signedReportFileNameDateFormat: Date format in case a date parameter is appended to the file name

    Default: yy-mm-dd

  • signatureTitle : Name of a field group. This field group's List control is applied and the field containing the SIGNATURETITLES function name is searched. This function may contain {$var} placeholders that are replaced according to the given CopySourceFieldGroupName argument in the ClientReport action.

    You can also define that more than one signature must be given. The following example requires two signatures:

    {"emptySignatureName":"Button:PleaseSign;Button:PleaseSign2","signatureImageTagName":"SignatureImage;SignatureImage2","sign": true, "upload": true}