Defining Import/Export Conditions on Records

You can restrict the data imported to the internal database or exported to an external database using conditions.

Follow the below steps to define import/export conditions.

Note: While the steps to apply conditions on a record are the same, each format for import or export has its own set of conditions defined.
  1. Select DataDefine Conditions from the menu.
  2. Select the info area to which conditions should be applied.
  3. Define the condition, see Conditions in the CRM.Win User Manual.
    Note: Conditions can only be applied to fields that have been specified in the import format or those selected for export to an external database. You cannot apply conditions to placeholders.

    If you have defined conditions that apply to catalog fields, the catalog values are added first, and then the condition is tested. If the record is refused, the database may therefore contain catalog values that are not used by any records.

    Conditions are only applied after field contents have been transformed.
  4. Select DataActivate Conditions to activate the conditions for an info area.

    Only those records that meet the conditions are imported to the internal database or exported to an external database. All other records are rejected as false.