Export Conditions

Learn to define the conditions to be applied to exports.

To define conditions applied to the export:

  1. Select DataDefine Conditions from the menu and define conditions applied to one of the info areas in your export format, see Conditions in the CRM.Win User Manual.
  2. Select Info areas from the context menu.

  3. Enable the Cond. Active cell for an info area to activate the conditions defined for that info area in step 1. Only those records that meet the conditions are exported.
    Note: Alternatively you can select DataActivate Conditions from the menu to activate the conditions.
  4. The condition defined in the first row also affects subsequent rows.

    Example: First row: Person in Company info area; condition "Department = Sales"; second row: Company info area, no condition. All persons with Department = Sales are exported, and all companies that contain such a person are exported.

    To change the row order enter the desired row number in the left-most column. The rows are reordered accordingly.

  5. To define that specific fields should be changed when exporting a record, enable the Upd cell for an info area and click in the Default Values cell to enter the desired field values. Changes to these fields may also initiate triggers.
    Note: Defining default values can impact negatively on performance.

    If the export format is also used to import data, the default values are applied to empty fields that are imported, >> Info area properties.