Field Control Types

Learn about the field control types.

The following field control types are available:

Details Control

Used to create the "mask" for the ExpandNew, the Expand and the TreeView page. For details on Expand and TreeView configurations and the related action templates. For further details, see Expand and Tree.

For example - You can define for the panel layout which fields are displayed.

List Control

The List control defines the fields used in the results list of a search. For details on the Search&List configuration and Search action template. For further details, see Search.

  • The Fields area contains the fields (columns) to be displayed in the list.
    Note: A list control must always contain at least one field of the info area for which it is defined. Having only linked fields in a list results in an error in Aurea CRM.Web.
  • Click on the area header to define the column widths:

    If no column widths are entered, the percentages are calculated based on the field lengths in the data model.

    Column widths are inherited from parent configurations. If fields are added to the child configuration, the required space is subtracted equally from all existing column widths.

  • The Sort Fields area contains the fields used for sorting the records. List entries can be sorted either ascending or descending.
    Note: When sorting by a time field, the corresponding date is always taken into account as well. You cannot sort by time independent of date.
    Note: When a user sorts a list by clicking into a column header, the last sort criterion is appended as a secondary criterion to the new one. If more than one sort field is defined for a list, only the first one is appended as the secondary criterion.
    Note: If no sort criteria are applied to the data in the list (or sort criteria that produce more results that rows in the list), the order in which data is returned from the database is ambiguous. i.e. if a lot of records that are "equal concerning the sort criterion" exist, the database returns these in an arbitrary manner – thus, the results the database delivers may differ whether e.g. 10 or 50 results are displayed, and it is also possible that the same results are returned again when the user pages through the list.A feasible workaround when such problems occur is to define more specific sort fields.

Search Control

The Search control defines the fields on a search mask. For details on the Search&List configuration and Search action template. For further details, see Search.

To define a Search control:

  • Add the desired default search fields to panel No.1. These fields are shown as the default search mask.
    Note: Decoded fields (Z-fields) are not displayed on search masks.
  • Any fields you add to a panel > 1 are displayed in the Add more drop-down list of the search mask.
  • To search in several fields at once, use the Enhanced Search Field field attribute. For further details, see Enhanced Search Field.
  • To hide the With me check box, add the showOwnItems control attribute and set it to false. For further details, see Control Attributes.

You can prevent specific users or groups from adding more fields to search from an info area. To do this:

  • Define the search control as described in the steps above.
  • Disable the More Fields … option from the Add more … drop down menu by setting the web configuration parameter Search.HideMoreFields to true. For more information, see Search.HideMoreFieldsSearch.HideMoreFields. The screenshot below shows the More Fields … option is not longer available from the Add more … drop down menu.

Search Context

When linking records, users can select whether they want to search for records in the whole database or within the current context. For fields with a Select-Function this search context is determined as follows:

  1. SearchContext as specified in the Select-Function. For further details, see Syntax.
  2. SearchContext as specified in the Search control's control attributes. For further details, see SearchContext.
  3. If no SearchContext definition is found.
    • the source record is used
    • when linking records of the same info area, the search context is the source record's parent record (Example: linking a ticket to a ticket via the Predecessor field).

After deleting a link it is necessary to save the record to reset the search context.

Matchup Control

If a match-up function is defined for an info area (i.e. a match-up button is configured in the respective New header, see New), data of a new record is compared with existing records to avoid duplicates. Examples in UPDATE_DEFAULT: FI, KP,AU.

The Matchup control defines which fields are compared when matching up records.

For information on further configuring the match-up functionality. For further details, see Matchup Parameters and PhoneticMatchupFieldnames.

MatchupList Control

The MatchupList control defines the list of similar records displayed on the Match-up dialog.

Information on customizing the options displayed on the Match-up dialog, see the article at “How to Project Specific Match up Configuration” at

MiniDetails Control

The MiniDetails control provides a short read-only view without tabs, containing additional information for a record (e.g. for each list item, you can get information on additional fields by expanding the MiniDetails). If no MiniDetails are defined for an info area, the fields from the first tab of the Details control are displayed instead.

The MiniDetails view is available integrated into lists, in processes, in page headers etc.

Note: Link fields are automatically displayed as hyperlinks. Exception: If a link field cannot be resolved e.g. because it is not a direct link but one traversing multiple info areas, only the value but no link is displayed.
Note: Fields from linked info areas that are added to the MiniDetails using the Add Linked Fields function are not displayed as hyperlinks by default: Check the Hyperlink field attribute to display such a field as a hyperlink. For further details, see Add Linked Fields and Hyperlink.

Default Control

In each field group you can create a Default control. The Default control contains all fields of an info area. This allows you to define default field attributes for all modes (Search, New, Update etc.) and for all fields of an info area, which are used in all controls that have no specific field attribute definitions for a field. for further details, see Field Attributes.

Even if a field is not displayed on a control, this can be helpful in case you change the content of the control in Aurea CRM.Web (e.g. the List control) and you want to provide some default behavior for a field.