
Defines a context-based search for linking records.

Use the SearchContext attribute to configure a context-based search for linking records. For further details, see Search Context.

If a SearchContext is defined, users can select whether they want to search for records in the whole database or within the current context when linking records by using . Searching in the current context only returns results that are linked to a parent record of the current record (e.g. when linking a ticket to another ticket). Users get a drop-down list in the search mask where they can select the Context (the list entries using the default table caption of the corresponding record).

To configure the context-based search, define the SearchContext attribute for the Search control of the desired field group (i.e. the field group of the info area where you want to search for records). This definition is used as a default for all link fields to the respective info area. You can also define a search context within a specific Select-Function function. For further details, see  Syntax.


The search context defined for the Ticket info area (KM) {items:[null,"KP","FI"]} is used when linking a ticket to an activity (MA), to another ticket or an installed base (IB).

The following info areas are involved:

  • <sourceInfoArea>: the info area of the details mask (e.g. MA,IB or KM)
  • <linkInfoArea>: the info area used as the link record of the search (e.g. FI or KP)
  • <infoArea>: the info area from which a record is selected (e.g. KM)


Define the SearchContext attribute using the JSON syntax (See



<itemX> = <linkInfoArea>

or (complex version offering more possibilities like link ID and alternate label)

<itemX> = {infoAreaId:<linkInfoArea>,



Specify <itemX> = null for searching the entire database.

The last entry provided in the SearchContext attribute is the one selected by default in the Context drop-down list of the Search mask.

Available options:

infoAreaId: <linkInfoArea>

The ID of the info area used as the link record for the search (e.g. "FI").



sourceLinkId: <sourceLinkId>

The link ID used to read the link record (e.g. {infoAreaId:"KP",linkId:2}).

You always need to specify the infoAreaId as well.

sourceLinkName: <sourceLinkName>

The link's name in the format $Link[<infoAreaId>:<linkId>],

e.g. "$Link[FI:1]"


Specifies an alternate label for the entry in the drop-down list, e.g. {sourceLinkName: "$Link[KP:2]", label: "Contact Person"} for the second person link in KM.

If not specified, the default table caption is used.

You can reference (multilingual) texts from the CRM.Designer database by specifying TXT_<textgroup>_<number>, e.g. {infoAreaId: "KP", label: "TXT_Admin_Text_5"}

parentInfoAreaId: <parentInfoArea>

Use this option if there is no direct link in the context for the desired info area, but it can be retrieved as a parent link of the linked record.

Example (s. below): Getting only marketing activities (AK) linked to the same campaign (CM).

Note: sourceLinkId and sourceLinkName can only be used if the argument linkUid (or searchUid) is passed to the search page.

Use the SDK page to test your definitions: Search > Search Form.


{items:[null,"KP","FI"]} … entire database, person, and company context (default selection)

{items:["FI","KP",{infoAreaId:"KP",linkId:2},null]} … company, person (default link), person (Link ID 2), and entire database (default selection)

{items: ["FI"]} ... the search context is fixed, i.e. no drop-down list is displayed: the search returns only records linked to the parent company

To show all companies/persons to which the ticket is linked (both End Customer and Contact Company/Person) in the search context:


items: [


{sourceLinkName: "$Link[KP:1]"},

{sourceLinkName: "$Link[KP:2]"},

{sourceLinkName: "$Link[FI:1]"},

{sourceLinkName: "$Link[FI:2]"}



For the same result you can specify:


items: [


{infoAreaId: "KP", sourceLinkId: 1},

{infoAreaId: "KP", sourceLinkId: 2},

{infoAreaId: "FI", sourceLinkId: 1},

{infoAreaId: "FI", sourceLinkId: 2}



To search only for marketing activities linked to the same campaign or the entire database (in UPDATE_DEFAULT defined in the AN Details control, Select-Function of field Follow-up Marketing Activity):

{items: [{parentInfoAreaId: "AK", infoAreaId: "CM"},null]}